Very Senior Member
Unbound Installer v1.11 uploaded
1. Fix Adblock ENABLE (i.e. uncomment '# include:' ) in 'unbound.conf' even if '#include:' format is used by @rgnldo
2. Fix 'services-start' Adblock 'cron' job syntax
3. Fix (Hack??? i.e. issue existing command TWICE!!!) 'chmod +x' to 'services-start'/'dnsmasq.postconf' if they are created
4. Fix 'dnsmasq.postconf' order of statements if it is created
5. Download files '/opt/etc/init.d/S61unbound' and '/opt/etc/init.d/S02haveged' from @rgnldo GitHub
6. Add menu option 'v = View ('/opt/var/lib/unbound/') unbound Configuration (vx=Edit)'
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