This is an update to the previous post about optimizing unbound.conf. Please read at the link below for further information.
@Martineau are you up for this one?
These settings are specifically with my RT-AX88U and my 1Gbps up/down symmetrical Fibre connection to my ISP.
Proceed at your own risk!
While these settings give me an exceptionally fast and responsive network experience, test it thoroughly before implementing it into your normal workflows.
# no threads and no memory slabs for threads
num-threads: 8 # L&LDv1.09 (Orig 1) RT-AX88U For RT-AC86U use (2)
msg-cache-slabs: 16 # L&LDv1.09 (Orig 1) RT-AX88U For RT-AC86U use (2)
rrset-cache-slabs: 16 # L&LDv1.09 (Orig 1) RT-AX88U For RT-AC86U use (2)
infra-cache-slabs: 16 # L&LDv1.09 (Orig 1) RT-AX88U For RT-AC86U use (2)
key-cache-slabs: 16 # L&LDv1.09 (Orig 1) RT-AX88U For RT-AC86U use (2)
# tiny memory cache
key-cache-size: 32m # L&LDv1.09 (Orig 8m) RT-AX88U For RT-AC86U use (8m)
msg-cache-size: 32m # L&LDv1.09 (Orig 8m) RT-AX88U For RT-AC86U use (8m)
rrset-cache-size: 64m # L&LDv1.09 (Orig 16m) RT-AX88U For RT-AC86U use (16m)
cache-max-ttl: 21600
cache-min-ttl: 0 # L&LDv1.09 (Orig 5) RT-AX88U or RT-AC86U
prefetch: yes
prefetch-key: yes
serve-expired: yes
serve-expired-ttl: 3600
incoming-num-tcp: 1024 # L&LDv1.09 (Orig 600) RT-AX88U For RT-AC86U use (1024)
outgoing-num-tcp: 128 # L&LDv1.09 (Orig 100) RT-AX88U For RT-AC86U use (512)
ip-ratelimit: 0 # L&LDv1.09 (Orig 100) RT-AX88U For RT-AC86U use (0)
edns-buffer-size: 4096 # L&LDv1.09 RT-AX88U (Orig (1472) v1.01 as per @dave14305 minimal config)
I've upgraded to v2.09 and even with a 'zero' % hit ratio initially, this still is faster than the 'safe' defaults for me.
The 1GB RAM on the RT-AX88U has
disappeared, there is between 16MB and 36MB depending on what I'm using the network for at the time. Asus, give us more RAM!
The 2GB swap file is at about 29.57 / 2048 MB currently (have seen it to almost 490MB).
Note the limitations that
@skeal points out:
For the RT-AC86U? Someone else (who has the router in use) needs to test the limits and report back to us.
For anything
below the two HND models (RT-AX88U and the RT-AC86U)? Who wants to be a pioneer?
Opening up a shortcut folder (Open all) of 25 or 40 links in Edge Chromium has never happened so quickly before.
Metrics on these kinds of improvements? Like driving a fine car and trying to explain it to someone who only drives a horse and buggy.
You just have to get behind the wheel to find out.