Whilst I take full responsibility for any bugs/misunderstamdings introduced by
my manky
unbound_manager script, given the title of this thread, I suggest that you post your query in the official
unbound support thread together with the requested supporting documentation.
View attachment 21590
However, despite you being the third person to have experienced difficulty with
unbound, I notice that there is never any
useful feedback/assistance from the resident SME for issues similar to yours.
So, although I have included the
unbound 'lookup' feature in the
unbound_manager menu, I think you may need to manually delve into the external
'dig' and
'tcpdump' utilities to investigate why
unbound seemingly fails
fails, but
dnsmasq doesn't.
i.e. you should be able to provide tangible data metrics as a comparison when the utilities are used when
unbound fails vs.
dnsmasq success for the appropriate domains(s)
'diversion.ch' etc.
P.S. I think I saw a post where
unbound vs
bind resulted in a similar situation and
'dig +trace' / '
tcpdump port 53' on the
WAN interface proved useful.
(NOTE: I think in this instance, the underlying issue was something to do with the remote load-balancing servers' response?)
Forget the above
@dave14305 has taken an interest!