New, couple of weeks old, Netgear WNDR4500v2 just start losing the 2.4GHz SSID.
This happened for the first time yesterday evening. At that point I rebooted the router from the web interface. Now tonight, same thing. At this point I am the only wireless user on the network. Naturally switched to 5GHz and that is working fine.
As can be seen in the code box above, my 2.4GHz ssid has disappeared. Not sure how to proceed with trouble shooting. Rebooting router all the time is not an acceptable option.
FYI, running the following firmware version,V1.0.0.54_1.0.33
2.4GHz Wireless Devices (Wireless intruders also show up here)
SSID IP Address MAC Address Device Name
-- -- 28:92:4A:BE:50:F2 --
This happened for the first time yesterday evening. At that point I rebooted the router from the web interface. Now tonight, same thing. At this point I am the only wireless user on the network. Naturally switched to 5GHz and that is working fine.
As can be seen in the code box above, my 2.4GHz ssid has disappeared. Not sure how to proceed with trouble shooting. Rebooting router all the time is not an acceptable option.
FYI, running the following firmware version,V1.0.0.54_1.0.33
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