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Would there be any interest if I added integrations to my addons, e.g. healthcheck.io, conditional notifications (e.g. email, Discord webhook)?

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Jack Yaz

Part of the Furniture
Would there be any interest if I added integrations to my addons, e.g. healthcheck.io, Discord webhook?

https://healthchecks.io/ offers monitoring of cron jobs, so this would apply to addons that run regularly, such as connmon and spdmerlin

Email notification/Discord webhook would be for posting an alert if a certain condition if met (e.g. connmon latency, spdmerlin speed, or even a notification of every test run)
Would there be any interest if I added integrations to my addons, e.g. healthcheck.io, Discord webhook?

https://healthchecks.io/ offers monitoring of cron jobs, so this would apply to addons that run regularly, such as connmon and spdmerlin

Email notification/Discord webhook would be for posting an alert if a certain condition if met (e.g. connmon latency, spdmerlin speed, or even a notification of every test run)
Not really at this point, unless I could turn them all off. I don't have any thing that would go wrong that would require my immediate attention. I don't support anybody except my honey and I.
Would there be any interest if I added integrations to my addons, e.g. healthcheck.io, Discord webhook?

https://healthchecks.io/ offers monitoring of cron jobs, so this would apply to addons that run regularly, such as connmon and spdmerlin

Email notification/Discord webhook would be for posting an alert if a certain condition if met (e.g. connmon latency, spdmerlin speed, or even a notification of every test run)

It might be more my lack of familiarity with some of the scripts but things that support control/visibility via Home Assistant would definitely be of interest. Unless you have a burning desire to write a bunch of Python custom components though, a lot of that can probably be achieved via the CLI. (Not the most CPU efficient but I have a script regularly yanking router info and service status in JSON for example.)

That said, the specific use cases for me (rather than just ooh that's interesting) are likely to also be the ones where any attempt at squawking to the outside world is likely to fail because of an ISP issue.

I think part of the issue would be that some of the other hooks are likely to be more down to analysis in the plugins too - for example having spdmerlin send a push notification because of consistent results below a certain bandwidth rather than a single bad result at 3am. That's where I tend to dump things in HA again though.
I'd love e-mail notifications, if I understand you correctly. I don't use Discord, have no prior experience with healthchecks.io, but if you would be able to implement an easy to understand way to configure my router to send mail notifications when certain conditions are met, I'm definitely all for it. Thanks in advance for exploring the possibilities.

And there goes another argument for a vanilla setup... sigh...
Thank you for asking. Yes, I would like something like this.

Kind regards,
As an addition on my previous post, I know there are scripts floating around the forum and possibly even the wiki, but I've seen so many people struggling to get it to work properly, that I gave up before I started.

After this 'issue', for which I take full responsibility, I'm actually surprised by your public enquiry, but nevertheless suprised in a possitive way. I hope you can find a way to work it out, I would be very pleased with it (as I have always been with your efforts, which I hope you realize).

Best regards,
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As an addition on my previous post, I know there are scripts floating around the forum and possibly even the wiki, but I've seen so many people struggling to get it to work properly, that I gave up before I started.

After this 'issue', for which I take full responsibility, I'm actually surprised by your public enquiry, but nevertheless suprisedin a possitive way. I hope you can find a way to work it out, I would be very pleased with it (as I have always been with your efforts, which I hope you realize).

Best regards,
i'm approaching the emailing idea from a different angle. what I'm proposing is I put email code of my own into my scripts, rather than rely on Diversion. if/when an email script becomes part of amtm, I will immediately retire my code and adapt my scripts to use that. i have, of course, asked @thelonelycoder he is OK with this approach as I don't want to overstep any boundaries.
i'm approaching the emailing idea from a different angle. what I'm proposing is I put email code of my own into my scripts, rather than rely on Diversion. if/when an email script becomes part of amtm, I will immediately retire my code and adapt my scripts to use that. i have, of course, asked @thelonelycoder he is OK with this approach as I don't want to overstep any boundaries.
Does that imply that if/when an email script becomes part of amtm, it will be required to install Diversion again? If that's the case, I'd prefer to have the option to keep using your code if it is not too much to ask.
I mean as much as I like the idea of a discord webhook, using discord means I am sitting at my pc (although I do have it on my phone unused) , so I have probably already looked at the router page and given it a once over. Perhaps the whatsapp or email integrations would serve people better as they could get alerts on their mobiles (cells for anyone watching over the pond).
Great idea and I can already think of a few use cases. Cheers!
If a Discord webhook means that I'd get a fairly immediate notification through that app on my phone of, say, someone trying to penetrate the firewall, I wouldn't mind that.
I'd also appreciate a notification if there were script or Entware updates
Diversion sends me emails. vnstats sends me an email, and I have a script for pixelserv that sends me an email. They all use the same diversion-based credentials. Since most all of your scripts are installed and maintained through amtm, could I suggest that perhaps the email setup be broken out of diversion into its own amtm script, so each add-on would check that it is installed but access it the same common way?

I recall there was a similar discussion when vnstats was getting organized and I think it accesses the credentials but has its own sending mechanic. I still think calling one email script with subject and body variables was good but maybe that is too limiting.

My TrueNas servers each send me one email a day with all the alerts, and maybe that also would be a possibility. Start the body file, and >> each notice to the end, then wrap it up and send.
Diversion sends me emails. vnstats sends me an email, and I have a script for pixelserv that sends me an email. They all use the same diversion-based credentials. Since most all of your scripts are installed and maintained through amtm, could I suggest that perhaps the email setup be broken out of diversion into its own amtm script, so each add-on would check that it is installed but access it the same common way?

I recall there was a similar discussion when vnstats was getting organized and I think it accesses the credentials but has its own sending mechanic. I still think calling one email script with subject and body variables was good but maybe that is too limiting.

My TrueNas servers each send me one email a day with all the alerts, and maybe that also would be a possibility. Start the body file, and >> each notice to the end, then wrap it up and send.
that is the plan, but @thelonelycoder is full up on more important real world commitments so the amtm script is TBC.

for now, all of my scripts will use the same config location which will actually be in the amtm directory. if diversion is installed I will be copying the credentials for re-use, as I have effectively ported how Diversion does it. this means that when the amtm script comes out, there should be minimal issues for users and it will be plug and play
Definitely has some interesting possibilities @Jack Yaz
Not sure if you are familiar with Pushover (pushover.net) but I’ve been using it for years for getting push notifications and email alerts from various devices.
It may tie in nicely with the sort of thing you have in mind?
Definitely has some interesting possibilities @Jack Yaz
Not sure if you are familiar with Pushover (pushover.net) but I’ve been using it for years for getting push notifications and email alerts from various devices.
It may tie in nicely with the sort of thing you have in mind?
thats exactly the sort of thing i'm thinking of. i may add some "pre-configured" options so the script just takes your specifics for those services, then add a generic option to have my script call a script you've written that does whatever you want (like yazfi does)
Thanks for taking up this project Jack! If I had more free time in spring/summer I may have actually got around to finishing (er actually starting) mine. Its in far more capable hands now :)

Were you thinking something along the lines of a notification-event script to trigger everything?

Capture.JPGthis snap shot was missing the enable/disable radio as well
Old thread (sorry) but I am loving the Discord integration of connmon and would love to see that in spdmerlin. I have a Discord server for all my home network/stack notifications and being able to quickly see the past few results would be great.
Would there be any interest if I added integrations to my addons, e.g. healthcheck.io, Discord webhook?

https://healthchecks.io/ offers monitoring of cron jobs, so this would apply to addons that run regularly, such as connmon and spdmerlin

Email notification/Discord webhook would be for posting an alert if a certain condition if met (e.g. connmon latency, spdmerlin speed, or even a notification of every test run)

@Jack Yaz - I have been curious about integrating it as well, but not strongly for/against it at this point. I see it as potentially replacing stuff like the email notification on WAN IP changes as well I am guessing....

I am definitely interested in demo-ing a simple implementation before commenting further though.

FYI: I don't care for any Discord integration per se.

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