Thanks a lot for your Support and happy new yearWow, you have a long list of ip rule.
I am confused with some of the x3mRouting rules applied. For example, you have the same ipset mark 0x1000 (vpn1) and 0x2000 (vpn2). I have no idea how will it behave.
Code:2 31545 37M MARK all -- br0 * match-set AMAZON-EU dst MARK or 0x1000 17 31380 37M MARK all -- br0 * match-set AMAZON-EU dst MARK or 0x2000
The same for source ip
Code:4 9673 13M MARK all -- br0 * match-set AMAZON-EU dst MARK or 0x1000 6 9673 13M MARK all -- br0 * match-set AMAZON-EU dst MARK or 0x8000
There is also overlapping ip range
Code:8 26327 35M MARK all -- br0 * source IP range match-set AMAZON-EU dst MARK or 0x8000 11 29021 36M MARK all -- br0 * source IP range match-set AMAZON-EU dst MARK or 0x8000
I’m running out of idea. Perhaps better clean up all the rules by using x3mRouting del option and start fresh by adding one rule at a time. Using del option is the easiest way as it will delete the iptable rule and clean up dnsmasq.conf.add, vpnclient-route scripts along with the ipset. You can use the previous command to verify the iptable rules. A reboot afterwards might help too.
You can also try the amazon video rules posted above.

I already deinstalled x3mrouting and reinstalled it by using the 3rd and 4th option.
But there seem rules left.
So two questions:
1. How would be the command to delete a specific rule which is not listed in my nat-start. Would you be so kind and give an example to me by using your mentioned rules?
2. To get a complete fresh setup- would it be an option to manually edit the dnsmasq.conf.add snd kick of all the rules i can't identify?
Thanks a lot for your in advance.