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Xbox360 wireless connection problem

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If all your other clients work fine and the xboxes are the only things that don't, why is it a router problem? Why not demand Microsoft fix the Xbox slim?
I don't understand that logic.
If all your other clients work fine and the xboxes are the only things that don't, why is it a router problem? Why not demand Microsoft fix the Xbox slim?
I don't understand that logic.
I have tried contacting Microsoft about the problem but was ignored. I have also tried other routers and the xbox seems to work fine with them. So I think it falls to Asus in that regard.

How do we best consolidate our efforts and force ASUS to address this issue?

Perhaps reach out to major publications to update their glowing reviews with this glaring problem? Perhaps they need to test compatibility with popular clients as part of the benchmark now too.
The more people we get having this problem the better the chance is we'll get a better response. Rather than going beserk on Asus, I think I'll send Jeremy another email letting him know there are several more people on here with the problem. Maybe he can let shed some light on the situation since it's been a while now with no response.

Will let you know if he gets back to me or he may come post here like he did before.

Stand by
'Chants elevator music' :cool:

Edit: email sent to Jeremy. So lets give him a few days to give us a response before any kind of Anti-Asus Cult is started. :)~
It may be a while since it's the holidays.
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Just be patient. Asus does have updated wireless drivers coming for the next FW releases, I have seen them first-hand. With the end of the year and the fact they have to juggle with so many different routers, it's just a matter of time.
Just be patient. Asus does have updated wireless drivers coming for the next FW releases, I have seen them first-hand. With the end of the year and the fact they have to juggle with so many different routers, it's just a matter of time.
Updated wireless drivers = better performance?
I had questions about the information regarding new FW and updated wireless drivers.....

Isn't that a reason to stay in the Asus core FW root instead of any of the third party FW's? Are the third party developers able to stay up to date in the same way and as fast as Asus can?
I had questions about the information regarding new FW and updated wireless drivers.....

Isn't that a reason to stay in the Asus core FW root instead of any of the third party FW's? Are the third party developers able to stay up to date in the same way and as fast as Asus can?

Nothing prevents any third party firmware dev to keep up with Asus. I do.

And newer does not always mean better. See the RT-N66U driver, where I still ship with the older build 220 drivers due to stability issues with 246/260 driver.
I thought there were some speed bumps in acquiring the wireless drivers from Broadcom that Asus did not have to slow down for?
Hi Everybody!

Just wanted to update since there has been a bit more activity here (and a bit of poking from NeutralGold). Unfortunately, I do not have any information regarding a specific fix for the Xbox360 compatibility issue. We do have wireless driver updates coming soon, but I'm not sure if it deals with the Xbox360 wireless problem.

Please note that as far as we have confirmed, the problem only occurs with the Xbox360 Slim, the RT-N66u and RT-AC66u, and streaming wireless HD content. There shouldn't be any problems with online gaming or Xbox Live connectivity. If anybody is experiencing other issues please contact me so that I may look into it.

Also, the temporary fix for now is to have another router/AP in between the two devices.
I thought there were some speed bumps in acquiring the wireless drivers from Broadcom that Asus did not have to slow down for?

Third party FW devs don't get their drivers from Broadcom - none of us have the thousand of $$$ required to purchase an SDK licence... We all reuse the drivers coming from Asus's GPL archives.
Hi Everybody!

Just wanted to update since there has been a bit more activity here (and a bit of poking from NeutralGold). Unfortunately, I do not have any information regarding a specific fix for the Xbox360 compatibility issue. We do have wireless driver updates coming soon, but I'm not sure if it deals with the Xbox360 wireless problem.

Please note that as far as we have confirmed, the problem only occurs with the Xbox360 Slim, the RT-N66u and RT-AC66u, and streaming wireless HD content. There shouldn't be any problems with online gaming or Xbox Live connectivity. If anybody is experiencing other issues please contact me so that I may look into it.

Also, the temporary fix for now is to have another router/AP in between the two devices.

Jeremy, I have even went as far as connecting my Xbox 360 slim to a set of power line adapters using the LAN port and its still really slow. I have a Slingbox using that same power line connection for a test now and it is much faster. Looks like I will need to try a Wireless bridge with the xbox for now.
Hi Everybody!

Please note that as far as we have confirmed, the problem only occurs with the Xbox360 Slim, the RT-N66u and RT-AC66u, and streaming wireless HD content. There shouldn't be any problems with online gaming or Xbox Live connectivity. If anybody is experiencing other issues please contact me so that I may look into it.
Well, it's not just "streaming", for example downloading a demo or a video takes forever as well.
Jeremy, I have even went as far as connecting my Xbox 360 slim to a set of power line adapters using the LAN port and its still really slow. I have a Slingbox using that same power line connection for a test now and it is much faster. Looks like I will need to try a Wireless bridge with the xbox for now.

You may have an entirely different problem with your router/xbox than the rest of us.

The problem we're having is the downlink wireless speed caps at around 5.5 mbps and there for all of us can't get any more than 500-600 KB/s downspeed to the xbox. That in turn makes streaming movies unwatchable and downloads really slow.

I use another router in wireless bridge mode to connect my slim to the RT-N66U as a temporary fix. So if you're still having problems using other adapters then I'd say you have a different problem. It also works on the slim model as well.

I'll also say this to anyone who wants the option. The standalone wireless adapter for the Xbox works great. It has a faster wireless speed and the option to use the 5ghz channel. So if you have the money, you can always opt to buy one of those.
You may have an entirely different problem with your router/xbox than the rest of us.

The problem we're having is the downlink wireless speed caps at around 5.5 mbps and there for all of us can't get any more than 500-600 KB/s downspeed to the xbox. That in turn makes streaming movies unwatchable and downloads really slow.

I use another router in wireless bridge mode to connect my slim to the RT-N66U as a temporary fix. So if you're still having problems using other adapters then I'd say you have a different problem. It also works on the slim model as well.

I'll also say this to anyone who wants the option. The standalone wireless adapter for the Xbox works great. It has a faster wireless speed and the option to use the 5ghz channel. So if you have the money, you can always opt to buy one of those.

No, I'm having the same problem as everyone else with wireless, I was basically stating in "addition to" , my Lan connection is not any better it seems. I haven't seen much feedback on whether everyone's LAN connection is working just fine..
I haven't seen much feedback on whether everyone's LAN connection is working just fine..

OK, here's some feedback. Mine works perfectly. I have a lot of wired devices, connected to 5 network switches downstream of my RT-N66U, and no problems. Streaming HD video works fine, and that's the most demanding type of traffic I have.
I have reported the problem (wireless connection with Slim Xbox 360 stock wireless slowness) to Asus tech support... The guy over there suggested to setup a DMZ to address the issue... It seems like people at Asus don't communicate that much. :-(
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OK, here's some feedback. Mine works perfectly. I have a lot of wired devices, connected to 5 network switches downstream of my RT-N66U, and no problems. Streaming HD video works fine, and that's the most demanding type of traffic I have.

Thanks for the update, could be my inline power adapters however my sling box unit shows no lag at all connected to them. Will have to measure further I guess.

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