I set up a second router in repeater mode (an rt-ac66u). Assigned it static IP in the main router (rt-ac86u) in dnsmasq.postconf ( is already used by diversion) on the .2.x guest network. The repeater is set to get its address by dhcp. Repeater shows a default gateway under LAN IP tab, grayed out, Is this ignored, i.e. does a repeater need a gateway IP as it is really just an extension of an existing network which has its own gateway? If it does need a gateway IP, should it be on the guest .2.x somewhere, or on my main .10.1 gateway? (The problem is I don't see the IOT devices from the main network when they are connected to the repeater. It could also be I have something else wrong so wanted to check if repeater on YazFi guest should work in principal)
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