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Problem with MAC address

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I have the Asus RT-AC86U with the current Merlin firmware version. I've attempted to change the MAC address, but the router retains its old MAC address. I've also tried this with the Asus firmware, but encountered the same result. The MAC address cannot be changed.
On an Asus RT-AC88U, I encountered the same issue. I was able to change the MAC address using DD-WRT, but not with Merlin or Asus firmware.
Is there another solution to change the MAC address without using the GUI?
Which MAC address are you talking about? The router has multiple MAC addresses.

Why do you want to change it?
I mean the WAN MAC.
I need a specific MAC address that is registered with my ISP to obtain a static IP.
Changing it in the WAN GUI settings has always worked for me (but I don't have an RT-AC86U). What WAN Connection Type are you using?
All I can suggest is that you reboot your router. Then log into the GUI, save the System Log - General Log and then upload the complete log to somewhere like pastebin for us to look at. We might be able to spot something.
ASUSWRT-Merlin RT-AC86U 386.12_4 Wed Nov 22 03:37:45 UTC 2023

rwz@RT-AC86U-8E28:/tmp/home/root# ifconfig eth0

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 14:CC:20:8A:2D:E7

          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:


          RX packets:131978 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

          TX packets:123492 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000

          RX bytes:171763730 (163.8 MiB)  TX bytes:19056837 (18.1 MiB)

The HWaddr14:CC:20:8A:2D:E7 is the MAC address that I need as the WAN MAC.


  • ASUS Wireless Router RT-AC86U - Übersicht – Mozilla Firefox_001.png
    ASUS Wireless Router RT-AC86U - Übersicht – Mozilla Firefox_001.png
    11 KB · Views: 16
Well it looks like it's working as expected. The WAN interface (eth0) has your cloned MAC address (14:CC:20:8A:2D:E7). This won't change your LAN MAC addresses though.

So if you're not getting the WAN IP address you expect I would say this is an ISP issue.
Then I'll have to bother my ISP.
However, why is a different MAC displayed in the overview?
Even using 'arp' shows me the MAC from the overview.

Adresse Hardware-Typ Hardware-Adresse Optionen Maske Schnittstelle
_gateway                 ether   24:4b:fe:e4:8e:28   C                     wlp3s0
However, why is a different MAC displayed in the overview?
Even using 'arp' shows me the MAC from the overview.

Adresse Hardware-Typ Hardware-Adresse Optionen Maske Schnittstelle
_gateway                 ether   24:4b:fe:e4:8e:28   C                     wlp3s0
Because you are looking at your router's LAN interface not its WAN interface.
Okay, thank you for your patience with me.
I've learned a bit more again.
So, I'll bother my ISP on Monday.
Thanks again, really appreciate it.

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