I am testing merlins 378.50 official
findings so far and questions
I tried it and Just want to say thank you merlin, BUT WAY too many problems still and more with 378.50
1. every time I reboot, I have to go into WAN and hit apply or no web access at all.
2. After the first reboot (or power cycle) after 3-4 hours LAG of ps4.
3. Have to still disable "nat acceleration" in lan or I can not see my DVR when on the routers wifi using WAN IP.
4. IOS --- no internet in the morning , had to shut wifi down on my iphone 6+ then back on to get wifi and I just installed 378.50 the night before.
on positive 5GHz was outstanding distance wise only, compared to dd-wrt, only because beamforming is not yet activated for us on dd-wrt
As you all can guess I'm sticking with dd-wrt, even if I can not use 80+80, that I am testing now again.
So far this is working perfectly and I set it for the 80+80 MHz (played my movie fine, I am going to try to not power cycle either see my post
here for that
the only thing left is to activate guest network, but I am going with this for a few days at best before attempting that.
I am up now 20 hours with absolutely no problems at all.
WOW I am now up to 38 hours with no iOS problems or anything at all, I do not think I even want to activate a guest network at this point, oh I tested my wifi and I am the same distance with usability as asus firmware (I set signal to 81 for 5GHz only tho at start up), I do not want to change anything because I do not know what kills this router when something is either changed or rebooted or power cycled (see link in edit1)
I am now 51 hours, that is 2 days 3 hours, and absolutely NO problems at all
1. All devices are performing perfectly. No wifi loss or anything with either 2.4 and 5GHz

2. NO ps4 lag, this would happen within 12-24 hours every time I reset it with any version of Asus firmware or variation.

3. My IOS app to LAN device control has linked within 15 seconds every time with 5GHz (this is something Asus firmware or any variation has NEVER EVER done after 6 hours, EVER!)

4. My distance with this dd-wrt is just as good as Asus firmware still

All I have to say is WOW!!!
3 days and 2 hours in and still absolutely no problems.
So today I added my guest network. NO reboots just save and apply were used after each step. I will post back at the end of the week or before if problems occur.
!!Thank You c0ns0le for letting me know the proper way to flash this!!