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dd-wrt for RT-AC87R

I've been running r25974:

Firmware: DD-WRT v24-sp2 (01/20/15) std
Time: 16:41:00 up 4 days, 9:26, load average: 0.09, 0.08, 0.12

this build has been the most solid for me so far.

5ghz/2.4ghz all working no drops.
no usb devices plugged in.


That is the one we are running and most of us having issues with reboots and wifi drops (not wifi drops but IOS seems to be connected but gets no internet and other devices are working great, shut wifi down on the iOS device and turn back on problem goes away, this is supposed to be my last fix that I found).
So the question is what are you changing in the settings?

Maybe something you are not changing that we are using is causing it? or?

On another note:
I noticed last night my 5GHz signal just sucked, don't know why but it was one of the 2 fixes causing it I believe. This morning I restored my save settings and 5GHz is back to normal but now I have to add the fixes one at a time and test.I will post back when I find out tonight, more tests. BUT one thing for sure is a backup of when you are working and a restore when you are in trouble DOES work great!!
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c0ns0le's Install Process


That is the one we are running and most of us having issues with reboots and wifi drops (not wifi drops but IOS seems to be connected but gets no internet and other devices are working great, shut wifi down on the iOS device and turn back on problem goes away, this is supposed to be my last fix that I found).
So the question is what are you changing in the settings?

Maybe something you are not changing that we are using is causing it? or?

On another note:
I noticed last night my 5GHz signal just sucked, don't know why but it was one of the 2 fixes causing it I believe. This morning I restored my save settings and 5GHz is back to normal but now I have to add the fixes one at a time and test.I will post back when I find out tonight, more tests. BUT one thing for sure is a backup of when you are working and a restore when you are in trouble DOES work great!!

per your request>
1) ssh into asus os build
2) mtd-erase2 i do this a few times.
3) NO reboot
4) flash firmware directly in asus fw interface
5) allow router to reboot
6) set ddwrt pass
7) telnet into newly flashed image
8) nvram erase --- again do this several times
9) reboot
10) set passwds
11) Configure Wifi
11a) set wl0 wireless network mode to NG-Mixed
11b) set wl1 wireless network mode to AC/N-Mixed
11c) set wl1 wireless ssid
12) set wifi security wl0(wpa2 personal/aes),wl1(wpa2 personal,aes)
13) save then apply
14) define new ip address for lan (
14a) set hostname
14b) set router name
14c) save(no apply)
15) define new start place for dhcp, 150
15a) define dns (,
16) set ntp servers
17) set remote log host
18) set info page pass req
19) set ddns (dyndns,custom)
20) add port forwards (80tcp,443tcp,32400tcp)
21) save
22) setup OpenVPN client
23) create startup script>
echo username >> /tmp/password.txt
echo password >> /tmp/password.txt
/usr/bin/killall openvpn
/usr/sbin/openvpn --config /tmp/openvpncl/openvpn.conf --route-up /tmp/openvpncl/route-up.sh --down-pre /tmp/openvpncl/route-down.sh --daemon

sleep 10
ip route flush table 200
ip route flush cache
ip rule add from lookup 200
VPN_GW=`ifconfig tun1 | awk '/inet addr/ {split ($2,A,":"); print A[2]}'`
ip route add table 200 default via $VPN_GW dev tun1
24) set firewall code>
firewall code used to mark the pkts for routing out the routing table 200
iptables -I FORWARD -i br0 -o tun1 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD -i tun1 -o br0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -i tun1 -j REJECT
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tun1 -j MASQUERADE

iptables -t mangle -I PREROUTING -i br0 -p udp -s -j MARK --set-mark 7
iptables -t mangle -I PREROUTING -i br0 -p tcp -s -j MARK --set-mark 7
iptables -A INPUT -i tun1 -p udp -s -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i tun1 -p tcp -s -j ACCEPT
25) save / apply
26) reboot

just a note, i saw that there was a later build available on ddwrt betas, flashed it, realized it was the build you guys were speaking about having no wan ip, flashed back to this build and now my atv's lost connectivity to the wl1/5ghz radios. i can connect to the wl1/5ghz radio w/ my mbp and android, but the atv's can't.
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Wow thank you so much for that detailed info
Very useful indeed
Just a few questions please
1. Is that the exact command to flush in both asus and dd-wrt or ??

2. I noticed no 80x80 MHz in wl1 the 5 ghz ?? So that is slower .

3. We would not need that Von stuff if we do not vpn but does it work well for you ? I take it you use your laptop to Von in ? I'm interested in this but never did it .

4. No guest network ?

I am going to try to wipe mine when I get home and configure again with no guest network , I really don't need one anyway but one never knows .
So are you going to wipe and confit again? And a verification on that wipe command please ?
Thank you so much !!
Wow thank you so much for that detailed info
Very useful indeed
Just a few questions please
1. Is that the exact command to flush in both asus and dd-wrt or ??

2. I noticed no 80x80 MHz in wl1 the 5 ghz ?? So that is slower .

3. We would not need that Von stuff if we do not vpn but does it work well for you ? I take it you use your laptop to Von in ? I'm interested in this but never did it .

4. No guest network ?

I am going to try to wipe mine when I get home and configure again with no guest network , I really don't need one anyway but one never knows .
So are you going to wipe and confit again? And a verification on that wipe command please ?
Thank you so much !!

1. Is that the exact command to flush in both asus and dd-wrt or ??
asusfw - mtd-erase2 <-- believe this to be the cmd>
dd-wrt - erase nvram

2. I noticed no 80x80 MHz in wl1 the 5 ghz ?? So that is slower .
Can't say that i've ran the gambit of testing speeds.
on my wl1(5ghz) i'm able to pull speedtests down @ 160MBs from speakeasy. i'm on comcasts 150/50 circuits.

3. We would not need that Von stuff if we do not vpn but does it work well for you ? I take it you use your laptop to Von in ? I'm interested in this but never did it .

i run a esxi cluster and one of the guestOS's is a media server, i use deluge/flexget and tie the IP to the deluge client, the router then ensures i don't see anything from that ip going out my realip. i use the vpn for privacy/anonymity. speed wise, it's great. i've been very impressed with my service so far. www privateinternetaccess com

4. No guest network ?
Nope... no need. not keen on sharing my internet with anyone else. would be fun to setup a dmz network for guests which acted more like a security zone or jail persay. ie anything connecting to that guest network would first have to go through a security scan before it would be permitted onto the real network. tempting. not aware of anything opensource which facilitates this, i'd have to write something. personally i have some free time, but not enough to do that. i previously went down the route of 802.1x and doing mac based authentication / radius, shy'ed away from it as it was more for toying around.

i rebooted my router and am now able to see my 5ghz(wl1) network again. i use my wirless network for playing 20/30MBs 1080p/AAC videos from my pms(plex media server) so a good solid wifi connection is an absolute need.

i'm going to give merlin's latest stable release a try>

have merlin up, am trying my darndest to get the same config setup w/ vpn/and specific ip routing over the vpn only... tad challenging with merlin as there are several manual scripts you have to edit/create.
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I did an erase, loaded firmware, about 10 erases a reset to defaults and did it all over again, loaded similar to yours, ran my video test and no reboots.

It does seem very stable with this setup, I may leave it alone for now or try to change the channel width to 80+80Mhz or not. I really do not need it at all like you, I do not copy files wifi as movies play fine the way it is, I always plug in to move large files, so....

I do want my guest network, it for friends and relatives when they come over and they can't see my internal, not for anyone else. But I have to test once activated to see if that is causing issues, then move on. First I may give this a 2 or 3 days to see how it performs, ps4 lag shows up, and IOS devices, especially my remote control app.

Let me know how you like merlins, I had the beta 3 ts and still had the normal hiccups.
I did an erase, loaded firmware, about 10 erases a reset to defaults and did it all over again, loaded similar to yours, ran my video test and no reboots.

It does seem very stable with this setup, I may leave it alone for now or try to change the channel width to 80+80Mhz or not. I really do not need it at all like you, I do not copy files wifi as movies play fine the way it is, I always plug in to move large files, so....

I do want my guest network, it for friends and relatives when they come over and they can't see my internal, not for anyone else. But I have to test once activated to see if that is causing issues, then move on. First I may give this a 2 or 3 days to see how it performs, ps4 lag shows up, and IOS devices, especially my remote control app.

Let me know how you like merlins, I had the beta 3 ts and still had the normal hiccups.

i'm fighting w/ my vpn routing atm. but will advise.
I am testing merlins 378.50 official
findings so far and questions

I tried it and Just want to say thank you merlin, BUT WAY too many problems still and more with 378.50
1. every time I reboot, I have to go into WAN and hit apply or no web access at all.
2. After the first reboot (or power cycle) after 3-4 hours LAG of ps4.
3. Have to still disable "nat acceleration" in lan or I can not see my DVR when on the routers wifi using WAN IP.
4. IOS --- no internet in the morning , had to shut wifi down on my iphone 6+ then back on to get wifi and I just installed 378.50 the night before.

on positive 5GHz was outstanding distance wise only, compared to dd-wrt, only because beamforming is not yet activated for us on dd-wrt
As you all can guess I'm sticking with dd-wrt, even if I can not use 80+80, that I am testing now again.

So far this is working perfectly and I set it for the 80+80 MHz (played my movie fine, I am going to try to not power cycle either see my post here for that
the only thing left is to activate guest network, but I am going with this for a few days at best before attempting that.

I am up now 20 hours with absolutely no problems at all.

WOW I am now up to 38 hours with no iOS problems or anything at all, I do not think I even want to activate a guest network at this point, oh I tested my wifi and I am the same distance with usability as asus firmware (I set signal to 81 for 5GHz only tho at start up), I do not want to change anything because I do not know what kills this router when something is either changed or rebooted or power cycled (see link in edit1)

I am now 51 hours, that is 2 days 3 hours, and absolutely NO problems at all
1. All devices are performing perfectly. No wifi loss or anything with either 2.4 and 5GHz:)
2. NO ps4 lag, this would happen within 12-24 hours every time I reset it with any version of Asus firmware or variation. :)
3. My IOS app to LAN device control has linked within 15 seconds every time with 5GHz (this is something Asus firmware or any variation has NEVER EVER done after 6 hours, EVER!) :)
4. My distance with this dd-wrt is just as good as Asus firmware still :)
All I have to say is WOW!!!

3 days and 2 hours in and still absolutely no problems.
So today I added my guest network. NO reboots just save and apply were used after each step. I will post back at the end of the week or before if problems occur.
!!Thank You c0ns0le for letting me know the proper way to flash this!!
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Merlins 378.50

Dears ! I'm struggling with access from WAN to my NAS. I have put NAS to DMZ. Has setup ddns on it. As long as I'm into LAN all is working fine. However if I try to access my NAS over WAN than no chance. Any idea what else has to be done on router setup ? Alredy disabled NAT acceleration but it does not help :confused:
Dears ! I'm struggling with access from WAN to my NAS. I have put NAS to DMZ. Has setup ddns on it. As long as I'm into LAN all is working fine. However if I try to access my NAS over WAN than no chance. Any idea what else has to be done on router setup ? Alredy disabled NAT acceleration but it does not help :confused:

This is not the Merlin thread , your problem is why I do not use asus or any variation of it , something always does not work or intermittent at best.
Unless you are running dd-wrt?
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This is not the Merlin thread , your problem is why I do not use asus or any variation of it , something always does not work or intermittent at best.
Unless you are running dd-wrt?
Indeed but I was not able to find Meriln thread. It means the solution is to have DD-WRT on it ?
Indeed but I was not able to find Meriln thread. It means the solution is to have DD-WRT on it ?

I am not going to promise you anything but it could be but dd-wrt is totally different gui compared to asus
And do you know how to use the asus recovery software that came with our routes on a disk ?
I am not going to promise you anything but it could be but dd-wrt is totally different gui compared to asus
And do you know how to use the asus recovery software that came with our routes on a disk ?

No I did not try this as there was no need for. I was just hoping that such expensive router will be able to handle such simple basic service for standard firmware but seems I was wrong :mad: I did have DD-WRT on my previous ASUS RT-N56U. However current procedure is a bit complex for me in case of AC-87U. Maybe will try this when have some more time to play with.
No I did not try this as there was no need for. I was just hoping that such expensive router will be able to handle such simple basic service for standard firmware but seems I was wrong :mad: I did have DD-WRT on my previous ASUS RT-N56U. However current procedure is a bit complex for me in case of AC-87U. Maybe will try this when have some more time to play with.

I can tell you all my problems are gone with dd-wrt, all!!
I may not use stuff like you but you should not have a problem
Follow my first post on this tread, I posted lots of info
And please ask questions when needed.
Problems solved?

I can tell you all my problems are gone with dd-wrt, all!!
I may not use stuff like you but you should not have a problem
Follow my first post on this tread, I posted lots of info
And please ask questions when needed.


I see that the build is still the same build number as I last tested (1/20) which was not good. Reboots under stress for a big one. What has changed?
Also does the 1/20 build contain the new wireless drivers?

thank to info,I'll test later

I see that the build is still the same build number as I last tested (1/20) which was not good. Reboots under stress for a big one. What has changed?
Also does the 1/20 build contain the new wireless drivers?


Its all in the way we flash this ac87 and nvram erase step 8 , Thanks to c0ns0le for his proper way, I am now 4 days and 2 hours up, I added my guest network (no script needed, as I removed it from my first post):)

I have spent many hours in the past 6 months fighting with Asus firmware and any variation that does not work properly at all for us, one minute you think you fixed it and the next day bam Asus firmware goes to junk!

I do not care what Asus promises they fixed I guarantee it is not fixed.

Sorry for the rant, something is up with these routers when you either reboot or I really believe when we power cycle these we need to leave it unplugged for a very long time (maybe 1/2 hour) or all hell breaks loose. That may be why soo many people have issues with asus firmware (or variation of) because a simple reboot may only be the cure but a power cycle is keeping stuff in memory or it is just the way Asus writes their firmware, I am not sure but see my post down the bottom of the page here

Anyway I redid the steps on the first post to properly flashs this ac87 and yesterday I added my guest network back only applying as dd-wrt does not require a reboot in most instances as Asus firmware seems to need.

I am up and running 100%, everything I do is working for me, for 4 days now, no hiccups, no IOS drops, no IOS wifi loss, NO reboots, NO PS4 lag, I can see my DVR when connected to my wifi, always connects within 15 seconds on wifi (5GHz) to lan remote control (this alone is a world record since I purchased this ac87),I get ~867M TX and RX rate with the ipad air 2, Streaming 720p and 1080p movies to my Samsung TV with a USB plugged into the router has been perfect, Also I have yet to corrupt the usb drive with dd-wrt (unlike asus if I forgot to eject it, I got data corruption), 5GHz range is just as good as Asus firmware from my tests (I did raise the power level slightly also in my first post)

To top it off even my wife said she had absolutely no problems with her ipad:D

Follow my new instructions and you too should be very happy camper.

I am flashing with this firmware on my friends this weekend I am that sure it is perfect, IF you find you are getting problems DO IT OVER you screwed up a step somewhere, If mine works perfect so should yours. Do not power cycle this router if at all possible or leave it unplugged for 1/2 hour. Last note make a backup after you configure everything properly just in case (I will add this to my first post within the next few days) because I think it actually works (tho I tried it a couple of weeks ago).
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Its all in the way we flash this ac87 and nvram erase step 8 , Thanks to c0ns0le for his proper way, I am now 4 days and 2 hours up, I added my guest network (no script needed, as I removed it from my first post):)

I have spent many hours in the past 6 months fighting with Asus firmware and any variation that does not work properly at all for us, one minute you think you fixed it and the next day bam Asus firmware goes to junk!

I do not care what Asus promises they fixed I guarantee it is not fixed.

Sorry for the rant, something is up with these routers when you either reboot or I really believe when we power cycle these we need to leave it unplugged for a very long time (maybe 1/2 hour) or all hell breaks loose. That may be why soo many people have issues with asus firmware (or variation of) because a simple reboot may only be the cure but a power cycle is keeping stuff in memory or it is just the way Asus writes their firmware, I am not sure but see my post down the bottom of the page here

Anyway I redid the steps on the first post to properly flashs this ac87 and yesterday I added my guest network back only applying as dd-wrt does not require a reboot in most instances as Asus firmware seems to need.

I am up and running 100%, everything I do is working for me, for 4 days now, no hiccups, no IOS drops, no IOS wifi loss, NO reboots, NO PS4 lag, I can see my DVR when connected to my wifi, always connects within 15 seconds on wifi (5GHz) to lan remote control (this alone is a world record since I purchased this ac87),I get ~867M TX and RX rate with the ipad air 2, Streaming 720p and 1080p movies to my Samsung TV with a USB plugged into the router has been perfect, Also I have yet to corrupt the usb drive with dd-wrt (unlike asus if I forgot to eject it, I got data corruption), 5GHz range is just as good as Asus firmware from my tests (I did raise the power level slightly also in my first post)

To top it off even my wife said she had absolutely no problems with her ipad:D

Follow my new instructions and you too should be very happy camper.

I am flashing with this firmware on my friends this weekend I am that sure it is perfect, IF you find you are getting problems DO IT OVER you screwed up a step somewhere, If mine works perfect so should yours. Do not power cycle this router if at all possible or leave it unplugged for 1/2 hour. Last note make a backup after you configure everything properly just in case (I will add this to my first post within the next few days) because I think it actually works (tho I tried it a couple of weeks ago).

I am tempted to give this another shot. One question, when the Asus MIM0
AP comes out will DD-WRT support the 4 stream technology?

I am tempted to give this another shot. One question, when the Asus MIM0
AP comes out will DD-WRT support the 4 stream technology?


That is something I do not have a clue on, BUT what good will it be if and when they do and their firmware is still flaky? Why would anyone use it?
The number one question is
1. What good is a router if does not do the basic stuff??
2. How long can one go without resetting, rebooting, trying to find a firmware that works just the basics?

Right now to me they are still trying to get 5GHz further, I think this rt-ac87 is the best to date, but I want to see that new dlink ap5300 performance, I may actually buy one just to try it out, but I still think this 87 will go further, but who knows until we test it.

All I know I am one happy camper 4 days 3 1/2 hours in and running perfect, I can not believe I have a life again. Everything I need (or I should say use a router for and my intension of use before purchasing this rt-ac87r) is working perfect, WOW I still can not believe it myself.

That is something I do not have a clue on, BUT what good will it be if and when they do and their firmware is still flaky? Why would anyone use it?
The number one question is
1. What good is a router if does not do the basic stuff??
2. How long can one go without resetting, rebooting, trying to find a firmware that works just the basics?

Right now to me they are still trying to get 5GHz further, I think this rt-ac87 is the best to date, but I want to see that new dlink ap5300 performance, I may actually buy one just to try it out, but I still think this 87 will go further, but who knows until we test it.

All I know I am one happy camper 4 days 3 1/2 hours in and running perfect, I can not believe I have a life again. Everything I need (or I should say use a router for and my intension of use before purchasing this rt-ac87r) is working perfect, WOW I still can not believe it myself.

OK you have me convinced. I will load DD-WRT following your process and report back!

Its entirely possible dd-wrt is more stable because 1: it doesnt have the amp turned up so high for the radios and 2: no nat acceleration
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