triband means 3 bands. 3 channels means 3 channels. Triband means it has 3 radios, 3 channel means the radio uses 3 channels. The ac68U which is what i actually did my test with is capable of close to its theoratical rating (1300Mb/s on wifi AC) on synthetic torture tests but not practically. Each channel requires its own frequency space and provides bandwidth. Single channel wifi N gives 150Mb/s. Single channel wifi AC gives 433Mb/s. dual channel wifi N gives 300Mb/s. This has nothing to do with triband, its to do with the radio on the router itself. The more channels the bigger the frequency space needed (dual channel wifi N already uses most of the available 2.4Ghz spectrum which is crowded). 3 channel wifi AC uses 80Mhz of space in the 5Ghz band so its important that you find unused channels.
Regarding the theoretical max of 433 Mb/s per single channel AC, on the router charts filter on this website, is this regarded to as the 5 GHz Downlink Profile (this is for a single channel right?)?
If so, I would assume that the higher the number on those charts, the better it would be for achieving a higher download speed. And using my 3x3 adapater, it should be 3x the downlink profile?