calzor suzay
Regular Contributor
My AB-Solution stopped working 
I originally had a single 8gb USB2 stick that I had this running from and all was good, I then went to add a 1TB USB drive as storage but the two didn't like each other so I had to remove 8gb USB2 stick in favour of the 1TB USB drive formatted as EXT4.
Got the drive working with files, FTP etc. and then went to re-install AB-Solution, it ran the install script fine, didn't complain said it was installing to the 1TB USB drive and everything looked good.
I noticed though that I was still getting ads that I hadn't been when it was running, all the options looked good in the menu so when to follow the log file with option 2 but get "tail: can't open '/tmp/mnt/Samsung/adblocking/logs/dnsmasq.log': No such file or directory" and if I browse to that directory aside from the install log it is empty.

I originally had a single 8gb USB2 stick that I had this running from and all was good, I then went to add a 1TB USB drive as storage but the two didn't like each other so I had to remove 8gb USB2 stick in favour of the 1TB USB drive formatted as EXT4.
Got the drive working with files, FTP etc. and then went to re-install AB-Solution, it ran the install script fine, didn't complain said it was installing to the 1TB USB drive and everything looked good.
I noticed though that I was still getting ads that I hadn't been when it was running, all the options looked good in the menu so when to follow the log file with option 2 but get "tail: can't open '/tmp/mnt/Samsung/adblocking/logs/dnsmasq.log': No such file or directory" and if I browse to that directory aside from the install log it is empty.
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