You can do it directly from the router SSH terminal and without losing any data ( but as a safety make a backup first )
First of all check your current USB filesystem and make note of your USB path I.e /dev/xyz ( where xyz can be anything ) by this command:
df -hT | awk '{print $1,$2,$NF}' | grep "^/dev"
After that unmount your USB drive, you can do that by disabling scripts and jffs partition on the router and then reboot it, then simply unmount the USB from the web GUI or use terminal command umount /dev/xyz ( you'll change xyz with the correct drive path here )
When the drive is successfully unmounted use this command to convert it to EXT 4 from EXT 2 without losing any data:
tune2fs -O dir_index,has_journal,uninit_bg /dev/xyz ( here again change xyz with the correct path name )
Next do a complete file system check with e2fsck command to fix and repair:
At this time your USB is converted to EXT4, now just issue this command to turn journaling off:
tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/xyz
Do a file system check once more:
And you're done.
Now just enable jffs and scripts on the router, reboot it and you're done.
You can test your converted file system by running this command once again:
df -hT | awk '{print $1,$2,$NF}' | grep "^/dev"
To check if journaling is properly disabled issue this command:
tune2fs -l /dev/xyz | grep features
If you don't see has_journal in the list , journaling is successfully turned off.