Hello, guys I'm the new on this forum.
So I have a question.
I install ab-solution on my asus n66u with last hufo firmware.
I use custom hosts, so I have the problem.
On my smartphone I see google adclick and other googleads in some apps.
I'm using easylist and ruadlist host files. Also I'm using hosts files from adaway in my router.
So what can I do for block google ads in my apps?
It is strange but now I go from my smartphone via my openvpn server on router and ads are blocked. I cann't see any ads on my app.
So when I'll be at home I test it again via home wifi.
Update 2: Yes, it's really true, when I connected via home wifi I have ads on my smartphone in appps, but when I connect via openvpn server on my router ads is go away, I have not any ads. How it can be? Can anybody help me?
Ok, guys! I found the fix. I tryed all settings on my router and all combinations, but without succes. So I saw in the log that there're no any request from my smartphone.
So, the problem was in wifi settings on my phone.
If you use static ip address in wifi settings in your smart, AB solution doesn't work! SO use ONLY DHCP IP address in your settings on smartphone!
@thelonelycoder please add this to the first post or to the FAQ. I really spent a lot of time to fix it.