May 11 Enabled ZAST_5G_Guest1(only) intranet access on (Testing with computer win7 not routed thru vpn)
Have SSID and internet access/intranet access after reboot
May 11 14:18:06 mbss: prefix_bss_enabled:[wl1.1_bss_enabled][1]
May 11 14:18:06 mbss: prefix_lanaccess:[wl1.1_lanaccess][on]
May 11 14:18:06 mbss: dp-11 unit:[1], subunit:[1]
Testing browsing alot of different web sites(30+) no DNS errors
Continue testing on Android phone(ver 9+)(routed thru vpn) on ZAST_5G_Guest1
Intranet access working and browing 20+ different sites no DNS errors
Checking wireless log:
Wireless 5 GHz
SNR: 33 dB Noise: -51 dBm Channel: 48/80 BSSID: 38

Device IP Address Rx/Tx & RSSI Connected Flags
780 / 1053 Mbps
-51 dBm 0:37:31 AUG
325 / 6 Mbps
-63 dBm 0:09:56 AUG
All is working so far
Enabled ZAST_5G_Guest2 intranet access off
Rebooting Router clearing browser cache on computer and android phone
Have SSID and internet for ZAST_5G_Guest2 testing on win7 computer(not routed thru vpn)
check: no intranet access
Browsing 30+ sites no DNS errors
Connecting Android phone on ZAST_5G_Guest2 (Routed thru vpn)
Have internet and no intranet access
Browsing 10+ sites got DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN on 1 site dubble checked on win7 computer on same site and worked there..on ZAST_5G_Guest2
Testing same site on android again=same error
Browsing some other sites and working and re testing the site i got error and same DNS error again..
Changeing to ZAST_5G_Guest1 on android browsing working errors
Testing Paused (Change android phone to routing thru WAN and test again)
New entries in syslog did not see on previeus testing
May 11 15:13:12 acsd: eth1: NONACSD channel switching to channel spec: 0x1001 (1)
May 11 15:38:13 acsd: eth1: NONACSD channel switching to channel spec: 0x1803 (1l)
May 11 17:30:43 acsd: eth1: NONACSD channel switching to channel spec: 0x1001 (1)
May 11 17:55:45 acsd: eth1: NONACSD channel switching to channel spec: 0x1803 (1l)
May 11 18:25:51 acsd: eth1: NONACSD channel switching to channel spec: 0x1803 (1l)
May 11 18:30:52 acsd: eth1: NONACSD channel switching to channel spec: 0x1001 (1)
My Wireless settings:
Channel bandwidth 20/40Mhz & Control Channel 1 for 2.4Ghz
Channel bandwidth 80Mhz & Control Channel 48 for 5Ghz
May 12 Resume testing Android on ZAST_5G_Guest2(Routing thru WAN)
Same issue on browsing some sites DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
Switched to ZAST_5G_Guest1 on android and no errors on browsing
Set Android in LAN/DNSfilter(Cleanbrowsing-Security so it bypass DNSCrypt(2.0.23) & Diversion(4.09)
Testing Android again on ZAST_5G_Guest2
Browsing working with no errors on Android phone
Clearing Browser cache on computer and Android phone and rebooting them
Again Testing Win7 computer on ZAST_5G_Guest1 & ZAST_5G_Guest2 all good no errors and intranet access working for ZAST_5G_Guest1
Again Testing Android on ZAST_5G_Guest1 & ZAST_5G_Guest2 all good no errors and intranet access sort of working for ZAST_5G_Guest1**
**can not log in to with DNSFilter?? but
https://pixelservip/servstats working on ZAST_5G_Guest1 but NOT on ZAST_5G_Guest2
May 13 Resume Testing
Set vpn client to: Accept DNS Configuration=Exclusive
Set LAN/DNS-Filter: Enable DNS-based Filtering=off
Set Administration/System: Enable JFFS custom scripts and configs=No
Reboot from webgui (failed to fully boot)
Hard Reboot (off for 30sec)
SSID`s up and connected to ZAST_5G_Guest1 on Win7 computer have internet and intranet access
From syslog:
May 13 09:27:05 mbss: prefix_bss_enabled:[wl1.1_bss_enabled][1]
May 13 09:27:05 mbss: prefix_lanaccess:[wl1.1_lanaccess][on]
May 13 09:27:05 mbss: dp-11 unit:[1], subunit:[1]
May 13 09:27:08 mbss: prefix_bss_enabled:[wl1.2_bss_enabled][1]
May 13 09:27:08 mbss: prefix_lanaccess:[wl1.2_lanaccess][off]
May 13 09:27:08 kernel: device vlan4001 entered promiscuous mode
May 13 09:27:08 kernel: br0: topology change detected, propagating
May 13 09:27:08 kernel: br0: port 4(vlan4001) entering forwarding state
May 13 09:27:08 kernel: br0: port 4(vlan4001) entering forwarding state
May 13 09:27:08 mbss: dp-10 unit:[1], subunit:[2]
Checking: using isp dns server
Browsing and intranet access working on ZAST_5G_Guest1 Win7 computer
Browsing and intranet access working on ZAST_5G_Guest1 Android Phone
Testing ZAST_5G_Guest2
Browsing and No intranet access working on ZAST_5G_Guest2 Win7 computer
Browsing and No intranet access working on ZAST_5G_Guest2 Android Phone
No issues with internet or DNS errors, All working with 5Ghz Guest networks
Try Set LAN/DNS-Filter: Enable DNS-based Filtering= ON (Global Filter Mode=Router)
Reboot from webgui
More Coffee..
SSID`s up and connected to ZAST_5G_Guest1 on Win7 computer/Android Phone have internet and intranet access
Browsing working on both and have intranet access
Change to ZAST_5G_Guest2
Browsing working on both and have No intranet access
No issues with internet or DNS errors, All working with 5Ghz Guest networks with DNS-Filter (Global Filter Mode=Router)
Enable DNS Privacy Protocol (DoT) with Cleanbrowsing-Security DoT Servers
Reboot from webgui
Connected to ZAST_5G_Guest1 on Win7 computer and android phone both using DoT Servers
Have internet and intranet access
Browsing working on win7 computer and android phone
Change to ZAST_5G_Guest2
Internet and browsing work on win7 computer and android phone with No intranet access (DNS Privacy Protocol DoT and DNS-Filter)
No Errors
Disable DNS Privacy Protocol DoT and Set Administration/System: Enable JFFS custom scripts and configs=Yes (enable DNScrypt & other scripts again)
Reboot from webgui
SSID`s and scripts working
confirm using DNSCrypt servers
Testing ZAST_5G_Guest2 on Android phone
DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error back on some sites
Testing ZAST_5G_Guest2 on win7 computer
confirm using DNSCrypt servers
No DNS errors
Conclusion: DNS issues on 2.4Ghz & 5Ghz guests with no intranet access
only android with DNSCrypt
Other scenarios all working well for me during this test