I used this option:
(1) : Source EXT USB Drive Mount Point
It was the value /tmp/mnt/usbdrive
Your script is so smart

suggesting new location: /tmp/mnt/SWAP
so I did that and then manual backup is successfully completed and includes SWAP.tar.gz file with the size of 25987 KB
So I'm going to use backupmon -restore with the following steps:
1. "Safely Remove Disk" action to remove currently used USB stick
2. Power off router
3. Attach new USB SSD disk
4. Power on router
5. in GUI check in Administration -> System if "Enable JFFS custom scripts and configs" is set to "Yes" (why should it be changed while it is currently set to Yes

5. ssh to the router and:
a) amtm -> "fd" Format disk using the same label as before: SWAP
b) amtm -> "sw" Swap file and set the swap file 2.0 GB as before
c) exit from amtm and cd to /jffs/scripts and launch sh backupmon.sh -restore
Is it OK?