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Asus DSL-N14U will not connect to DSL

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New Around Here
I'm new here and hope this is the correct forum for my problem.
I have recently bought the Asus DSL-N14U to replace my Plusnet router in the hope to later set up a VPN on it, and Plusnet say they have no objections.

sadly it will not even 'see' my DSL phone line and I can't even get Internet on it.
initially I used my existing phone cable and filter, and then tried the Asus one's, but no joy
the firmware was ver and I have upgraded it to ver - all to no effect.

I have added some photos that may be of help. but i'm at a loss as to whet the problem is,
so any help would be very much appreciated. Despite what the screen shots say I have never seen the DSL light up at all - it remains off and never

the only changes i have made beside the firmware upgrade are to set my own password, wireless key and to set United Kingdom in the DSL page I found.
I'm 74 now and not that clued up really but would at least have expected to get online.
thanks for reading my post






I have no personal experience with your specific setup but it sounds like you've done all the right things.

What is the model of your current Plusnet router? What type of internet connection do you have, ADSL, VDSL, "fibre"?
thanks for you reply ...
my router is I believe, Plusnet's best one - the Hub One

allegedly it's a fibre connection - but is only DSL from the green box on our site

it works perfectly fine with my phone line cable and the lan one to my PC,
which is why I'm baffled as to why the Asus won't even get me online
even though I have tried it stand alone. (as I have to because it doesn't have a Wlan port)
allegedly it's a fibre connection - but is only DSL from the green box on our site
What is the advertised speed of your broadband package?

it works perfectly fine with my phone line cable and the lan one to my PC,
which is why I'm baffled as to why the Asus won't even get me online
even though I have tried it stand alone. (as I have to because it doesn't have a Wlan port)
I'm not sure I follow what you're doing here. Are you trying two different setups?

If you are leaving the Hub One connected to the phone socket and then going LAN to LAN to the Asus the automatic setup won't work. It's not expecting that kind of setup. I don't even know whether it is an option on your Asus, but if it is then look for the Dual WAN option. Select the appropriate Ethernet LAN port as the Primary WAN. Before doing this you must make sure that the Hub One and Asus are using different LAN subnets, i.e. 192.168.0.x and 192.168.1.x.
I'm sorry that I have not made myself clear.
put simply I completely replaced my Plusnet router with the Asus
using my existing phone line and lan to PC ...
exactly as my Plusnet had been.

there was never any attempt to use both together
If memory serves my broad band is about 35mb and connects evertime
OK thanks for the clarification.

If memory serves my broad band is about 35mb and connects evertime
I might be wrong here, but that suggests to me that your internet feed is VDSL. The DSL-N14U only supports ADSL/ADSL2/ADSL2+ (maximum speed 24Mbps ).
thanks a lot Colin.
I had never heard of VDSL, but having just done a quick google I think you may have put your finger on it.
I have also just done a speed test on my tablet via WiFi in the bedroom any got over 28mbs.

For your info, I'll just resell the Asus because out of frustration I earlier ordered
a pre configured Liberty Shield Lite router at £20 just for the hell of it.
I did do my research and know it's not the greatest solution,
but as I said, I'm 74 now and somewhat out of my depth.

So thank you once again
Don't beat yourself up about it :D. With all the different technologies out there it's a complete minefield, even for us "enthusiasts" to navigate.

TBH that Asus would have been very poor for VPN use because the CPU isn't suited to it.

The Liberty Shield Lite looks like an interesting unit. There's quite a few fans of MikroTik stuff on these boards. Maybe you can let us know how you get on with it.:)
Welcome kevbro. Just so you know, your not the only 70 plus member here. I come here almost every day to learn. I'm way behind. It's like walking into the game and discovering it's the bottom of the ninth inning. Gotta a lot of catching up to do.
Welcome kevbro. Just so you know, your not the only 70 plus member here. I come here almost every day to learn. I'm way behind. It's like walking into the game and discovering it's the bottom of the ninth inning. Gotta a lot of catching up to do.
Thanks Dave,
but just when I have got my head round vpn's you baffle me with baseball references which is hard for an aged Brit to grasp. So I will respond by asking if you know what "avoiding the follow on" is in cricket? ...

Just joshing you mate, no offence intended
have a nice day, and I'll post again soon about the Liberty Shield router I just bought.
No offense is taken and to be honest I know about as much about baseball as I do about cricket. Probably not the best choice to describe some like myself being 74 years old and trying to learn about computers, routers and networking in general. Feels like I'm about 30 years behind. I'm just getting to the point that I know how much I don't know. I have found SNB to be the best forum on the internet to learn. My problem is remembering. I check in here every day so I'll watch for you next post. And you know what they say, England and the US, two countries seperated by a common language.
This post is my first here and I agree with what you say Dave.
as one 74 yr old to another I can say that memory is not a problem to me at all ...
my wife keeps it in her head for me!

by the way I have been lucky enough to have holidayed in the USA 3 times in the last 15 years, drove about 8,000 miles, and loved every minute!
Unfortunately I have never had the opportunity to visit the UK. My only time away from the lower 48 was a year in Alaska courtesy of the US Air Force back in the 60s. Nice place to visit but wouldn't want to live there.
The Liberty Shield Lite looks like an interesting unit. There's quite a few fans of MikroTik stuff on these boards. Maybe you can let us know how you get on with it.:)
I have tested the Liberty Shield for a few days now and am quite pleased.
I got all the weekend sports, inc Premier League, with no problems at all.
Better still the stream quality was as good as ever and I did not get any 'stuttering' or buffering.
Long may this continue
Thanks for the update. That's good to know.

Quite surprising performance for such a cheap/low spec device. Any idea whether your streaming was in SD or HD? I'm assuming normal web browsing, email, etc. is the same as usual?
I don't actually need full HD because my TV is just 42" but my Portal is that good that I am always offered 5/6 streams ranging from 4K downwards.

to be honest I don't know nor care what the quality is because usually I take the best one and it tends to work 99% of the time, but if I get annoyed with a bit of stuttering I just take the next one down the list and have never missed a match (until the weekends before last that is)

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