Check with strace to confirm if it really stopped.
Ok, repeated test by first renaming /opt/bin/minidlna to foo (no way to start up!).
Enabled Media Server through WebUI. Rebooted router.
minidlna did the malloc/sql out of memory at my 2007 Photos folder. Waited 30 mins. No activity in minidlna.log. Accessed media through TV and was able to see Photos (and Music) up through the 2007 folder. No Video (I have roughly 100 videos). So, scanner appears to have stopped after a number of OOM errors.
Ran strace on both PID's of minidlna. It reports:
admin@RT-AC66U:/tmp/mnt/Entware/minidlna# strace -p 627
Process 627 attached
getppid() = 621
poll([{fd=7, events=POLLIN}], 1, 2000) = 0 (Timeout)
for the first process and:
admin@RT-AC66U:/tmp/mnt/Entware/minidlna# strace -p 628
Process 628 attached
poll([{fd=9, events=POLLIN}], 1, 1000) = 0 (Timeout)
For the second minidlna process.
In both cases, the poll(Timeout) repeats.
Not sure my large number of files is over the top for the router. If I revert back to the "non Asus thumbnail" version of 1.1.0, everything gets scanned and works fine.
So, I believe Asus has a memory management issue with their version of minidlna.
Hmm, just purchased an AC68U. Ouch, if it has this version of minidlna.... oh oh!
Merlin, many thanks. Tell Asus they have a bug...