Late at night here just before kids go to bed so my troubleshooting is limited but after upgrading to beta 3 my wireless started going weird. IOS devices no longer showed connected to wifi. When I tried to get back on it, it prompted for password. When I put in password it would tell me wrong password even though I knew it was correct. Even weirder is that I was able to join using the QR code. Downgrading back to beta 2 to see if wifi issue continues on it or not. Maybe random (possible sunspots?

) but at least wanted to document it.
Edit: after downgrade back to beta 2, iPhone prompted for password and took it. Noticed odd behavior on wireless laptop as well. Seemed like it was getting kicked off and then rejoining as I had to use the wired desktop to check router and downgrade back to beta 2.
Edit 2: Spoke too soon...issue with wireless devices continue. Guess it time to redo the settings to make sure. Hope its not wireless radio going bad.