Viktor Jaep
Part of the Furniture
Cleaning house... Minor update today... more of a bugfix. 
What's new?
v1.43 - (January 13, 2024)
- FIXED: When selecting to import your primary backup settings in the connection testing tool, it would not bring over the SMB version, and continue to give you the default. This has been fixed to now bring over your custom SMB setting. Thanks much to @Tallion_o7 for the heads-up!
Download link (or update directly within AMTM):

What's new?
v1.43 - (January 13, 2024)
- FIXED: When selecting to import your primary backup settings in the connection testing tool, it would not bring over the SMB version, and continue to give you the default. This has been fixed to now bring over your custom SMB setting. Thanks much to @Tallion_o7 for the heads-up!
Download link (or update directly within AMTM):
curl --retry 3 "" -o "/jffs/scripts/" && chmod 755 "/jffs/scripts/"