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[Beta] Asuswrt-Merlin 384.11 Beta is now available

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Has anyone noticed that /jffs/configs/profile.add is not working?
# cat /jffs/configs/profile.add
alias freshjr="sh /jffs/scripts/FreshJR_QOS -menu"
alias freshjrqos="sh /jffs/scripts/FreshJR_QOS -menu"
alias freshjr_qos="sh /jffs/scripts/FreshJR_QOS -menu"
alias FreshJR_QOS="sh /jffs/scripts/FreshJR_QOS -menu"

# freshjr_qos
-sh: freshjr_qos: not found
I created a workaround
# ls -la /opt/bin/freshjr
-rwxr-xr-x    1 HdB34266 root            32 Apr 27 16:42 /opt/bin/freshjr

# cat /opt/bin/freshjr
/jffs/scripts/FreshJR_QOS -menu
Mine works. I assume you’ve logged out and in? Do you see those commands when you enter the alias command alone?
Mine works. I assume you’ve logged out and in?
Oh yes, I actually had not invoked the aliases since 384.10_2. My recollection is vague, perhaps the aliases had never worked.
Do you see those commands when you enter the alias command alone?
# alias
mc='mc -c'
l='ls -lFA'
ll='ls -lF'
It appears that alias commands could be appended to /jffs/etc/profile or /opt/etc/profile
No need to, thanks. Will add them to the presets.

This is what the updated preset list looks like now:

# Layout:
# Name,IP_Address,Port,TLS_Hostname,SPKI
# Single entry = group label
# Empty lines are ignored

CleanBrowsing 1 (security),,,security-filter-dns.cleanbrowsing.org,
CleanBrowsing 2 (security),,,security-filter-dns.cleanbrowsing.org,
CleanBrowsing 1 (family),,,family-filter-dns.cleanbrowsing.org,
CleanBrowsing 2 (family),,,family-filter-dns.cleanbrowsing.org,
CleanBrowsing 1 (adult filter),,,adult-filter-dns.cleanbrowsing.org,
CleanBrowsing 2 (adult filter),,,adult-filter-dns.cleanbrowsing.org,
Quad9 (secure),,,dns.quad9.net,
Quad9 (insecure),,,dns.quad9.net,

IPv4 (port 443)
Surfnet/Sinodun 1,,443,dnsovertls.sinodun.com,62lKu9HsDVbyiPenApnc4sfmSYTHOVfFgL3pyB+cBL4=
Surfnet/Sinodun 2,,443,dnsovertls1.sinodun.com,cE2ecALeE5B+urJhDrJlVFmf38cJLAvqekONvjvpqUA=

CleanBrowsing 1 (security),2a0d:2a00:1::2,,security-filter-dns.cleanbrowsing.org,
CleanBrowsing 2 (security),2a0d:2a00:2::2,,security-filter-dns.cleanbrowsing.org,
CleanBrowsing 1 (family),2a0d:2a00:1::,,family-filter-dns.cleanbrowsing.org,
CleanBrowsing 2 (family),2a0d:2a00:2::,,family-filter-dns.cleanbrowsing.org,
CleanBrowsing 1 (adult filter),2a0d:2a00:1::1,,adult-filter-dns.cleanbrowsing.org,
CleanBrowsing 2 (adult filter),2a0d:2a00:2::1,,adult-filter-dns.cleanbrowsing.org,
Cloudflare :1111,2606:4700:4700::1111,,cloudflare-dns.com,
Cloudflare :1001,2606:4700:4700::1001,,cloudflare-dns.com,
Google :8888,2001:4860:4860::8888,,dns.google,
Google :8844,2001:4860:4860::8844,,dns.google,
Quad9 (secure),2620:fe::fe,,dns.quad9.net,
Quad9 (insecure),2620:fe::10,,dns.quad9.net,

IPv6 (port 443)
Surfnet/Sinodun 1,2001:610:1:40ba:145:100:185:15,443,dnsovertls.sinodun.com,62lKu9HsDVbyiPenApnc4sfmSYTHOVfFgL3pyB+cBL4=
Surfnet/Sinodun 2,2001:610:1:40ba:145:100:185:16,443,dnsovertls1.sinodun.com,cE2ecALeE5B+urJhDrJlVFmf38cJLAvqekONvjvpqUA=

As mentioned before, the only test servers kept on the list are for port 443, as none of the main production resolvers support port 443.

The IPv4 addresses for Quad 9 Secure IP are not correct. This is from the Quad 9 info page:

<<Secure IP: Provides: Security blocklist, DNSSEC, No EDNS Client-Subnet sent. If your DNS software requires a Secondary IP address, please use the secure secondary address of

Unsecured IP: Provides: No security blocklist, no DNSSEC, No EDNS Client-Subnet sent. If your DNS software requires a Secondary IP address, please use the unsecured secondary address of>>
Oh yes, I actually had not invoked the aliases since 384.10_2. My recollection is vague, perhaps the aliases had never worked.

# alias
mc='mc -c'
l='ls -lFA'
ll='ls -lF'
It appears that alias commands could be appended to /jffs/etc/profile or /opt/etc/profile
An if you run this dot command, are there errors?
. /jffs/configs/profile.add
An if you run this dot command, are there errors?
. /jffs/configs/profile.add
No errors and the aliases are added to my current shell
Could be a bug with the new GPL, since I see there is a new /etc/profile.hnd file in this release. But I don’t know where to go with it from here. What does /etc/profile link to on your router?
# ls -la /etc/profile
lrwxrwxrwx    1 HdB34266 root            16 Dec 31  1969 /etc/profile -> /rom/etc/profile
# cat /rom/etc/profile
export PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/$USER:/mmc/sbin:/mmc/bin:/mmc/usr/sbin:/mmc/usr/bin:/opt/sbin:/opt/bin:/opt/usr/sbin:/opt/usr/bin"
export PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/lib/aarch64

alias l='ls -lFA'
alias ll='ls -lF'

ldd() {

[ -n "${TMOUT+x}" ] || export TMOUT="$(nvram get shell_timeout 2>/dev/null)"

[ -f /jffs/etc/profile ] && . /jffs/etc/profile
[ -f /opt/etc/profile ] && . /opt/etc/profile
There is an alias in my shell the definition of which only exists in /opt/etc/profile so that looks like the one to use for your terminal shell needs
Last edited:
# ls -la /etc/profile
lrwxrwxrwx    1 HdB34266 root            16 Dec 31  1969 /etc/profile -> /rom/etc/profile
# cat /rom/etc/profile
export PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/$USER:/mmc/sbin:/mmc/bin:/mmc/usr/sbin:/mmc/usr/bin:/opt/sbin:/opt/bin:/opt/usr/sbin:/opt/usr/bin"
export PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/lib/aarch64

alias l='ls -lFA'
alias ll='ls -lF'

ldd() {

[ -n "${TMOUT+x}" ] || export TMOUT="$(nvram get shell_timeout 2>/dev/null)"

[ -f /jffs/etc/profile ] && . /jffs/etc/profile
[ -f /opt/etc/profile ] && . /opt/etc/profile
Oh, so profile.add is missing from the rtax88 branch. @RMerlin needs to know.
The IPv4 addresses for Quad 9 Secure IP are not correct. This is from the Quad 9 info page:

This is exactly what I see in the file, where do you see an error?
For me if No is selected, and I refresh / change page or tab, it goes back to Yes no mater what...?

Works for me. Open your browser console and look for any Javascript error.
Didn't expect to read that.

What, that Cloudflare doesn't support EDNS (which was documented), or that I prefer to use my ISP DNS servers?
That you plan to drop DoT.

I said I planned to disable it on my router, I never said I planned to drop it.
I said I planned to disable it on my router, I never said I planned to drop it.
How will you use it?

Also, when using your pull-down list for DoT, ie Quad9, do I need to add the port or is it built-in automatically?
How will you use it?

Also, when using your pull-down list for DoT, ie Quad9, do I need to add the port or is it built-in automatically?
Default port is 853
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Asuswrt-Merlin 384.11 Beta is now available for all supported models. This release features a number of significant changes.

Please keep discussions in this thread on this specific beta release.

Downloads are here.
Changelog is here.

Checksum f6cd809cc889781a1407271b4c59d8303cd94a4fa87e9d79ab1e28399904e688 for the file RT-AC68U_384.11_beta1.trx does not match with the files downloaded from both the sources. The sha256 checksum of the downloaded file is de8178c59988b8a07cf2e59f4c32810453748a0e29441392a390b2319af55d7d
Checksum f6cd809cc889781a1407271b4c59d8303cd94a4fa87e9d79ab1e28399904e688 for the file RT-AC68U_384.11_beta1.trx does not match with the files downloaded from both the sources. The sha256 checksum of the downloaded file is de8178c59988b8a07cf2e59f4c32810453748a0e29441392a390b2319af55d7d
Hi. Further up the same page it says that the zip packages have been rebuilt with a 'b' suffix (due to possible errors). The .trx filename is the same as before. Assume Merlin hasn't got around to updating the hashes. All I can say is that the hash you get for the later download is the same as the one I get here for the file I downloaded soon after the change. I've uploaded it to my RT-AC68U and it seems fine (I'm far from an expert though!). Andy
Since I asked for more "Preset Servers" for DoT and the thrust of using DoT is security I thought I should bring up that not all upstream resolvers support TLS 1.3. I recommended CleanBrowsing but a test this morning with their secure resolvers failed when I had Stubby set to min TLS 1.3. I removed the min TLS Stubby setting and they worked .
So, if the resolver provider does not support TLS 1.3 should they be on the list?
Works for me. Open your browser console and look for any Javascript error.
Does not stick in Watrerfox, IE or Edge...

Those are the only java errors in Waterfox:
Annotation 2019-04-29 143211.png

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="/state.js"></script>

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