Regular Contributor
Thanks for the feedback…@rlj2 can advise there concerning his fork. It'll be very simple.
The installer we're working on for the main code has an associated uninstaller with code to handle the Asus Merlin instance.
cake-autorate/uninstall.sh at master · lynxthecat/cake-autorate
Eliminate the excess latency and jitter terrorizing your 4G, 5G, LTE, Starlink or other variable rate connection! - lynxthecat/cake-autorategithub.com
We really should get any issues with the main code base installer sorted out to ensure Asus Merlin users can all benefit from this code.
I am not a programmer, more of a tech enthusiast, but I am willing to try…
My main and only internet is 5G, and the download and upload speed is variable during the day…
I will wait for an Alpha, so I can try in my setup.