Hiya Folks ..Well after a few weeks of experimenting with CakeQos & FlexQos which one have I felt overall gives me and my network/environment the best and most important efficient running network router and client devices the winner

is CakeQos .
After my own experience and experimentation between the two Qos's and my bandwidth available it definitely works really really well to be honest.
After taking into consideration plenty of comments on this thread alone and previous threads. Also taking into consideration that Flex is no longer maintained and won't be upgraded or modified anymore ...Cake is embedded within MerlinWRT!!! So that alone states rather alot . Also Cake is not reliant on scripts running either so when you reboot your router it won't simply disappear so you don't have to worry about having to use a backup or running a separate Jffs backup for it either.
Based on my consistent EE UK FTTC 80/20 connection my cabinet is only around 6-7min away from my flat thankfully.
I get a sold 74DL and 19UL which I actually think is pretty darn good alot of folks get worse than that .I don't have any means for VM FTTP or Community Firbe for London yet to come around my particular area . Anyhow it's all about making what I have run as efficiently as optimal as physically possible and I believe I have done just that .
See the pictures below 2 Waveform tests done without any Qos enabled and then Cake after woods ..What a big significant difference it does make .
I believe their is nothing else for me to do for CakeQos that's it ??? I don't believe their are any additional scripts needed to be installed/run via SSH ...and if their is ...do I really need to ???
The whole idea with CakeQos everything that it needs to run is all embedded within MerlinWRT permanently no need for separate upgrades .???