I'm behind NAT, and thus need to check my external ip, and subsequently update if the ip has changed. So my question is, how often is the Custom DDNS updated/executed?
EDIT: Found out it was 1 day. May it be set lower than that... say 1 hour?
I wrote this script using the noip service and it might be useful for others in the same situation as me
I'm behind NAT, and thus need to check my external ip, and subsequently update if the ip has changed. So my question is, how often is the Custom DDNS updated/executed?
EDIT: Found out it was 1 day. May it be set lower than that... say 1 hour?
I wrote this script using the noip service and it might be useful for others in the same situation as me
- It is possible to log changes (I use external USB drive).
- IP address is stored as temporary nvram value, so that I can check if ip changed to avoid banning of my account.
- Logging of respond messages from noip
- Backup site to check external ip if primary site is down. Currently doesn't validate if ip is correct format ( format).
# Custom DDNS (dynamic DNS) for the no-ip.com service for asuswrt-merlin
USERAGENT="asuswrt-merlin No-IP Updater/0.1"
#NEWIP="$1" # passed to script, however, we have local ip so external providers to find ip is used
LOGFILE="" # leave empty if not used
### CODE BELOW ####
NEWIP=$(curl -s http://ipv4.myip.dk/api/info/IPv4Address | cut -d "\"" -f2)
OLDIP=$(nvram get EXTERNALIP) # get old ip from nvram
# backup ipcheck
if [ -z $NEWIP ]; then
NEWIP=$(curl -s http://icanhazip.com/)
if [ $NEWIP == $OLDIP ]; then
LOGLINE="(nochange) IP address is current: $NEWIP; no update performed."
/sbin/ddns_custom_updated 1
# update ip
RESPONSE=$(curl -s -k --user-agent "$USERAGENT" "$URL")
RESPONSE_A=$(echo $RESPONSE | awk '{ print $1 }')
if [ $RESPONSE_A == "good" ]; then
/sbin/ddns_custom_updated 1
LOGLINE="(good) DNS hostname(s) successfully updated to $NEWIP."
elif [ $RESPONSE_A == "nochg" ]; then
/sbin/ddns_custom_updated 1
LOGLINE="(nochg) IP address is current: $NEWIP; no update performed."
elif [ $RESPONSE_A == "nohost" ]; then
/sbin/ddns_custom_updated 0
LOGLINE="(nohost) Hostname supplied does not exist under specified account. Revise config file."
elif [ $RESPONSE_A == "badauth" ]; then
/sbin/ddns_custom_updated 0
LOGLINE="(badauth) Invalid username password combination."
elif [ $RESPONSE_A == "badagent" ]; then
/sbin/ddns_custom_updated 0
LOGLINE="(badagent) Client disabled - No-IP is no longer allowing requests from this update script."
elif [ $RESPONSE_A == "!donator" ]; then
/sbin/ddns_custom_updated 0
LOGLINE="(!donator) An update request was sent including a feature that is not available."
elif [ $RESPONSE_A == "abuse" ]; then
/sbin/ddns_custom_updated 0
LOGLINE="(abuse) Username is blocked due to abuse."
elif [ $RESPONSE_A == "911" ]; then
/sbin/ddns_custom_updated 0
LOGLINE="(911) A fatal error on our side such as a database outage. Retry the update in no sooner than 30 minutes."
/sbin/ddns_custom_updated 0
LOGLINE="(error) Could not understand the response from No-IP. The DNS update server may be down."
LOGDATE="[$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')]"
echo "IP: $NEWIP"
if [ -n $LOGFILE ]; then