Regular Contributor
About IPv6:
Yep. That's what I thought. Not much has changed since the 90s, apparently.
Your situation:
Your LAN is IPv6, because you set it up that way or is it configured by the router via DHCP or stateless addressing?
Are you supposed to have working IPv6 from your provider (but customer support is very bad in helping set it up), or are they simply not providing working IPv6?
Are the addresses on your LAN global, aka supposed to be public (from your ISP)? Of just local addresses?
I didn't go out of my way to configure it. I noticed that when I PuTTY into my Raspberry Pi running Ubuntu that it resolves to the IPv6, not the IPv4, address. I also notice Windows connects to my network printer with its IPv6 address rather than its IPv4 one that I set up to be fixed in the router.