Hi I am a relative novice to user script addons and up until now I had only enabled a number of custom addons thanks to the use of an automated solution using a "script bootloader" which I have been using successfully on an AX88U running Merlin 384.17 for several months (see here
https://www.snbforums.com/threads/w...with-asuswrt-merlin-384-12.57270/#post-500681 for brief details and GitHub link).
As my experience with this addon solution has thus far been good it made me keen to explore other advanced features and hence I discovered the highly regarded Diversion (& also Skynet). However, as the above Script Bootloader has already installed some of the pre-requisite items (Entware is a particular example) and as I wish to avoid any installation conflict which may in the process disable the function of either my existing addons or Diversion (or indeed both!) as an unintended consequence.
I would therefore very much appreciate some expert guidance from users familiar with the Diversion install process in respect of any effect it may have on my existing installs/install file structure and how best to achieve a trouble free installation which integrates both aspects such that they run concurrently without either disrupting the function of the other as a result of invoking the automated install command.
Many thanks to all in advance for any help offered

and to thelonelycoder for the huge commitment involved to develop such a highly regarded network level Ad Blocking solution !!
PC Pilot