As briefly mentioned on
Twitter, a beta feature is coming with the upcoming Diversion 4.0.6!
Help me name that feature, I am not happy with '6. Enable second blocking file'.
What does it do?
fs (Blocking file fast switch) is enabled, the menu to activate the secondary blocking file is enabled, as shown here:
Once enabled, it starts a second Dnsmasq instance with the secondary blocking file active, listening on a virtual IP. Clients can then be directed through LAN/DNSFilter to use this IP as the Custom DNS.
This is helpful for those having a nagging partner or children with demands that certain websites do not work.
This is a permanent solution instead of using
fs to temporarily use a (presumably smaller) blocking file.
fs still works and switches blocking files on the primary Dnsmasq instance, while the second Dnsmasq instance remains on the secondary blocking file.
ETA for v4.0.6 is this year.