So instead of being condescending which is not helpful as I also have a physics degree. Why the heck don't u recommend somethings?
I did mount it outside of the box. On top of it to be exact. That's how I'm gonna use it with this or other router. Only place that I can mount. It's in the kitchen pantry and where the fiber enters the house. What else do u want me to do? Wire it out to another room and mount the router there?
As I said, the performance did NOT improve "enough" while being completely outside the box hence I believe I need a better router to help with my issues. If you have a better solution, I'm all ears!
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I did mount it outside of the box. On top of it to be exact. That's how I'm gonna use it with this or other router. Only place that I can mount. It's in the kitchen pantry and where the fiber enters the house. What else do u want me to do? Wire it out to another room and mount the router there?
As I said, the performance did NOT improve "enough" while being completely outside the box hence I believe I need a better router to help with my issues. If you have a better solution, I'm all ears!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk