No, you didn't quote those numbers nor did you answer the question that the OP has kindly asked a few times.
I'm sorry if I haven't been clear, or if I somehow offended -- I know I'm not a regular here!
I'd still love for sfx2000 -- or anybody else -- to share their "real world" numbers, ideally of a Mac talking to a NAS (Synology or QNAP) over AC wifi.
I had been thinking I would replace my PC file server (running external USB2 drives) with a NAS -- partly because I thought I'd get 3x (or more) performance boost.
But now my understanding is I'll get more like 60% boost when transferring large files, and 100% boost when transferring small files. (Again, with the client over AC, not wired.)
And, sure, 100% is better -- but it's not that 3x blowout I had thought it would be -- and so I'm just hoping to confirm to help make a purchase decision.
Basically the question boils down to -- for anybody using a Mac to communicate with a NAS over AC wifi, are you getting results substantially different from this?
* Reading a big fie -- 52MB/s
* Writing a big file -- 31MB/s
* Reading a bunch of small files -- 7MB/s
* Writing a bunch of small files -- 1.1MB/s
Or should I start a new thread with this question?
Thanks for hearing me out! -Scott