Firstly, Happy New Year!
With this latest Skynet issue (stupid me upgraded), I lost all connections and did a router reset and restore (probably was due anyway).
Due to this and the fact that:
1. I have seen like 1 or 2 blocks (suspect mind you) outbound over the past 6 months
2. The firewall does a great job blocking unsolicited traffic
3. I am not sure if people have noticed or not, Firehol core lists (spamhaus, dshield, feodo) are not current any longer. e.g. spamhaus is almost 4 weeks old while source file is current. I had opened up an issue in firehol's github, but no response. L

oks like Firehol probably has issues with their ingestion .sh code.
I have decided to do away with Skynet.
Perhaps I'll revisit one day. Thanks
@Adamm for your code.