Remark on the Bandwidth Usage part of the addon:
I recently noticed that my work laptop only showed a few MB usage, which is kind of strange it being contantly connected to a corporate VPN.
Also checking directly in iptables chain RRDIPT it showed zero for the IP of that laptop.
And doing a tcpdump host -vv -n -i br0 showed also zero traffic.
And then I remembered some other thread I read on traffic monitoring, that required hardware acceleration to be disabled.
So I did a /etc/init.d/qca-nss-ecm stop, to disable the NSS accelerator -> immediately the counters of my work laptop in iptables started increasing again. And also tcpdump again shows the traffic.
Conclusion: if you want accurate Bandwidth usage, you need to disable NSS.
The question is, how effective is the NSS? (i.e. with NSS disabled, does my network get slower? or wouldn't I notice it with my 250/25 connection).
Why for instance a download on my NAS from bittorrent or usenet doesn't seem to get accelerated (it does get measured by iptables), while an IPSEC VPN connection does get accelerated (it doesn't get measured by iptables).
(And now that I think of it, this might also explain my bad experience with trying to measure bandwidth with iptables in the past. -> there I used wget to download something from a http(s) site -> probably that also got accelerated.)
And I also noticed a bug:
Trying to start NSS again with /etc/init.d/qca-nss-ecm start doesn't work.
It tries to insert kernel module ecm, which it cannot find.
It tries to do insmod ecm blocksite_enable=$blocksite, which fails.
However insmod /lib/modules/3.4.103/ecm.ko blocksite_enable=$blocksite does work.
So question: how come that it apparently does work during boot? Or do all the kernel modules automatically get loaded already and is the insmod not needed during boot, but only during a manual (re)start?
(I'm wondering, this seemingly "wrong" kernel module search-path, would this also explain the iptables -S errors, where it cannot find the ipt-modules that are being used in various rules ???
Something to look at some other time...)