@njweb - sorry if you feel a bit hurt. Walk it off...
What you did, and how you reported is highly subjective at best.
Not hurt, just shocked and disappointed, after putting in so much effort, is a better way to put it. Your posts usually seem logical and reasonable, but in this case I am dumbfounded quite frankly:
Agreed re. features pros and cons, those are always subjective since everyone has their own thoughts on what they like and what they don't.
However, I am not sure how Speedtest.net results and Network Signal Info results can be described as "highly subjective subjective".
Higher speed results represent faster throughput, so I am not sure how that can be described as subjective. The same goes for signal strength results... I am only reporting what the app shows in conditions that are as controlled as possible (outside of a lab setting).
Happy to stop posting my results if they are deemed to have little value. In the past I received plenty of thanks for this, including in this thread, but I have a busy work life and limited free time, so why waste everyone's time with "subjective" reviews.

I appreciate Tim's in depth unbiased reviews, as well as the tests a few others here have posted (wish more people would do so to increase the sample size, but I understand it takes time. I know that all too well from personal experience). I simply figured if I could help some people make a decision, why not post test results that can save others from having to buy multiple routers, run tests and having to then return several routers before deciding on one.
Anyway, on that note, my wife is waiting. Going to watch a move in bed; long day ahead tomorrow, again...
Again no hard feelings. I have thick skin now (need it in the corporate world).