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Minidlna with EXT3 USB stick and media on NTFS

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Anyone can suggest where minidlna.conf now resides? I have searched through etc and tmp without any luck.
It's in /etc, however it won't be created if minidlna isn't enabled.
It's in /etc, however it won't be created if minidlna isn't enabled.

Thanks. Like a noob I missed this step:

o cp /tmp/etc/minidlna.conf /jffs/configs (copy system minidlna.conf to /jffs partition)

Its working now, though my problem wasn't solved, I still have a "Scanning..." in the DNLA tab :(
Hi Chris,

Thanks again for your setup. I've now networked an HTPC (with XBMC) and a raspberry pi (raspBMC) to my router where I read off the media from the external USB drive.

What I want to do now is setup a MySQL server in order to share one library across the multiple XBMC platforms. I've found a step by step guide
(http://www.hints.dk/2013/misc/mysql-server-on-rt-n66u-or-rt-ac66u-for-shared-xbmc-library/?lang=en) where i can install Entware and MySQL on a connected microSD or external USB.

I'm leaning towards the external USB install. Would you happen to know if I could do that with the current figurations i have with my external USB drive (i.e. your setup)? The guide tells me I should not have download master installed because it uses Optware, which I have installed, would I be able to unistall Download Master and therefore Optware.

Or would you recommend I open up the router and put in a micro SD?

I would appreciate your advice. Thanks again

Hi Chris,

What I want to do now is setup a MySQL server in order to share one library across the multiple XBMC platforms. I've found a step by step guide
(http://www.hints.dk/2013/misc/mysql-server-on-rt-n66u-or-rt-ac66u-for-shared-xbmc-library/?lang=en) where i can install Entware and MySQL on a connected microSD or external USB.

I'm leaning towards the external USB install.

Hi Tan,

I would not recommend to open the router and use the SD.
To be honest. I have removed the USB drive/minidlna set up, because it was not stable enough for me... I bought a NAS server instead.

I have no experience with Entware and MySQL, so hope other members of this forum can assist you with this.

Good luck!

Kind regards, Chris
i created NTFS and EXT3 partitions on the USB HDD (NTFS around 500 GB and EXT3 less than 1GB)

but when i attach this HDD to router, the router keeps rebooting forever.. it starts and when it comes to the point of USB LED getting on, it reboots..

if i remove EXT3 partition from the HDD, it does not reboot..

(i have RT-AC68R with merlin 35_4 but i think the steps must be same as mentioned on this router also?)

why it keeps rebooting, what to do?
• Windows PC
o Insert usb hdd in Windows PC’s usb port
o With MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition resize ntfs 1 GB or less

Thanks for the excellent guide. I will be doing this but I wonder if it is necessary to backup all Data in the HDD before changing the partitions. I know it is recommended to do a complete backup before touching the disk but I wonder if the MiniTool program is good enough to do this without affecting the data.

Hello guys! Thanks for manual! But i have a problem... I have done all that is written in the instructions, but after vi /jffs/configs/minidlna.conf i see that

I think its not good and do further instructions does not make sense...
ps asus n66u Firmware:376.49_5
Last edited:
Hello guys! Thanks for manual! But i have a problem... I have done all that is written in the instructions, but after vi /jffs/configs/minidlna.conf i see that

I think its not good and do further instructions does not make sense...
ps asus n66u Firmware:376.49_5
Could you say a little bit more about what you mean ?
I apologize for my english))
I've had problems with playing the video on the smart TV. Through dnla not see all folders and video files. I came across this statement http://forums.smallnetbuilder.com/showpost.php?p=61135&postcount=9 and stopped at the point "o vi /jffs/configs/minidlna.conf (vi editor or use other editor, google for vi kommands "and then I can not get results as below:
At this point, things like that ...
My setup

Hi, I have had a lot of problems earlier with minidlna and mounting etc, so will try to direct in the right direction without going to far into details:

1: Enable jffs/configs and jffs/scripts folders like mentioned in earlier tutorials, set them to ex: chmod a+rwx * on both folders and files in them.

2: create a fstab file in jffs/configs, here is an example of mine, wich forces/makes sure you dont get any name(1)<- mounts:

/dev/sdb5/ /tmp/mnt/myntfsdrivelabel ntfs rw,nodev,noatime 0 0
/dev/sdb2/ /tmp/mnt/myext3label ext3 rw,nodev,noatime 0 0
You change the "myext3label" and "myntfsdrivelabel" to what you are using respectively. and the parameters to fit your drivetype, google some fstab or look for tutorials in this forum, thats where i found it.

3: Disable minidlna in the web-gui, and start it from services-start, with a delay instead. I have mine set to 2 minutes. Here is my jffs/scripts/services-start:

4: I also use an alternative minidlna.conf, to make sure it doesnt rebuild db on each boot, and i have set the nvram-value "dms_dbdir=-1" , since in newer FW 376.49_XX when disabling minidlna from the web-gui makes it try to erase the db-dir set in nvram on boot if its set to your ext2/3 dir. The nvram-value isnt needed aslong as you set it to the right place minidlna.conf instead.

5: If you have memory/cpu-crash problems with the bundled minidlna, try the entware version of it, it solved all my crashing problems (my minidlna crashes very often when i moved media-files around etc.)

If you have entware installed. just type (in telnet/ssh): opkg install minidlna
Sorry, but I'm unfortunately not an expert... It would be nice to see the step by step instructions. I'm afraid that's the phrase "If you have memory/cpu-crash problems". At the moment, my router is working fine, except for problems with DLNA. As in the case of the need to return all settings to default? And is there any other way to configure DNLA without risk of damage to the router?
Sorry, but I'm unfortunately not an expert... It would be nice to see the step by step instructions. I'm afraid that's the phrase "If you have memory/cpu-crash problems". At the moment, my router is working fine, except for problems with DLNA. As in the case of the need to return all settings to default? And is there any other way to configure DNLA without risk of damage to the router?

Ok, first, to answer your question about risk: There is no risk of damage to the router by simply trying to configure DLNA.

I posted my step-by-step here, since it contains code which smallnetbuilder blocks due to DDOS/code-protection:

Ok,thanks! Tomorrow I will try! Here some info, i try to scan my hdd in web interface, and i see this:
Mediadb: Superblock has an invalid journal (inode 8).
*** ext3 journal has been deleted - filesystem is now ext2 only ***

Mediadb was not cleanly unmounted, check forced.
Mediadb: Inode 8 has EXTENTS_FL flag set on filesystem without extents support.

(i.e., without -a or -p options)
I do not know, all of a sudden, this information is useful, looks suspiciously.
You need to fix it manually via telnet. enable telnet in webgui, restart server, then login into telnet while router is booting, log in and kill all services using the disks if any:

killall smbd
killall minidlna
killall transmission-daemon

(if you have any of those running)

then look in the system log in the webgui, make note of what is attempted mounted where, ex ex2/3 is mounted to /dev/sda2 etc.

then, depending of you needing to check a ext-system or ntfs-system, you do:

chkntfs -f /dev/sda2 (assuming its /dev/sda2 you need to check in this example)

or for ext-devices:

e2fsck -p /dev/sda2

if disk says in use, then either unmount from webgui while still in telnet and retry what i described above, or do a umount -l /dev/sda2, and then retry the above mentioned.

if you cant find the devices, try all of them, do a:
cd /dev

look at everyting listed called sdb/sdb* and or sda/sda* and try the above mentioned for all of them till you find the right disksystem for the right type of check - chkntfs or e2fsck.

Good luck.
OK! After all instructions i stuck on line 71, i dont understand how to configure minidlna...
What i have now?
I can see my router in LG Smat TV!!! Yes!!! But in webface of router minidlna set to off, but its work!
I can see on smart TV all folders on my NTFS partition. I see bin, etc, include, lib, sbin, share, tmp,usr and var folder. So it should be? These folders and files are needed for further work of DLNA?
Where now my media should be stored? In which folder?
Do I have to follow the instructions after line 72?

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