I've been dealing with bufferfloat issues ESPECIALLY when uploading, and I'd love to be able to start streaming and enjoying low pings under stress. Adaptive QoS from merlin has been better, but not what I'd like it to be. I'd like to try out cake QoS but I don't see it in my QoS options, I was wondering if there's anyway to get it to show or any workarounds since even the cakeqos fork on github doesn't work either for RT-AC68P. If anyone can help, that'd be greatly appreciated and I'm willing to follow instructions and get this sorted even if I have to SSH and do workarounds. Hopefully someone can help 
Router model: Currently running merlin firmware on a RT-AC68P which is just a AC68U but better CPU (at least i think?)
Current firmware version: 386.12_4
Bandwidth: 100-200Mbps [DL] / 10-20Mbps [UP]

Router model: Currently running merlin firmware on a RT-AC68P which is just a AC68U but better CPU (at least i think?)
Current firmware version: 386.12_4
Bandwidth: 100-200Mbps [DL] / 10-20Mbps [UP]