again apologies, I'm not trying to be rude but paying $200 for any piece of networking tech is not happening. I'm not a small business, I'm an individual and not a particularly wealthy one at that.
can we get back to some terminology? managed vs unmanaged? switch vs router?
Nothing to to do with small business. Just those type of devices are made to withstand anything you throw at it. Small businesses usually have either work-group or domain. These routers can handle anything you want. Everyone needs are different in every case that's why there are so many different models available based on needs.
You can change the ports settings.
WAN and LAN are not fixed or locked down.
There is a switch you can configure:
Rate Control but the number of ports
Example: Lets say your internet speed is 50 mbps down and 10 mbps uploads
Port: 1 Was your WAN (internet) port:
Ingress Limit: Enabled
Ingress Mode: Broadcast
Ingress Rate Mbps): 73
Egress Limit: Enabled
Egress Rate Mbps): 12
Ingress what's coming in
Egress what's going out
Port Config
Since we now in this example that Port 1 is the WAN (internet) (aka IN port)
In this setting you would enable or disable that port
You can also enable or disable Flow Control
Finally you can change the Negotiation Mode (Auto, 10FD/HD, 100FD/HD, 1000FD/HD)
Way to end points transmit or communicate to and from the remote host
FD = Full Duplex (enabled)
HD = Half Duplex
Also for what ports you don't use can disabled them.
Port Status
Port 1 - Status: Link up (means it connected)
Speed: 1000mbps
Duplex Mode: FD
Flow Control: Disabled / enabled if your using HD or FD but both end have to have it enabled on network adapters. If you don't you best just disable it.
UnManage (Router/Switch)
You can't change the ports settings
WAN and LAN are fixed or locked down.
Everything above would be locked by the factory settings.
Now on Router you can changes some settings depends on the brand of router you have. Most cripple a lot of settings so consumers don't get confused in higher tech stuff.
All unmanaged switches are just plug and play. Just connect your PCs to it and just plug in the power. That's it.
Managed switches you can do the same but you can control the flow of data by the port speed also enable flow control.
For each port say 8, 16, 24, 36, 48.
Lets say you have 16 port switch
Port 1 Description: Living Room
Status: Enabled
Speed/Duplex: 1000MFD
Flow Control: Disabled
LAG: - (this would show the port number it belongs under the LAG Table)
Also Managed Switches have Layer of Extra Security you can use. I won't get into all of that. . Just the basics.