Well ... don't keep us all in suspense!

Looks like you've got 4 units including a rare albino one, what IS that?
What are models exactly and how did your AiMesh go?
Well, I am using two AC68U and one AC68R with another AC68W, I did the setup and was a little confuse to set using the wire connection so I did using wps and wifi, the two nodes are working fine, but here are some problems:
If you try to set up and save any MAC or IP in DHCP / Lan Tab, the main router will stay out of signal and the nodes stop to work, I had to reset the nodes and the main router just because I saved one DHCP IP to test it
AI protection is working fine, even the alert is working for me on gmail
I wish I could use the DNS filter like in Merlim FW because I have guests at home and kids / adults with no knowledge about IT, so the parent filter will not help me a lot since I've been using the Norton Safe DNS level 3
The Qos is working good, no problem at all, I noticed that in the first setup my Qos finally show the speed till 1gb, right now is only to 200MB like before, I dont know how to change it, any idea? I have a 400 / 200 ISP Speed
My IPV6 is disabled, my ISP doesnt work very well with this feature enabled
The DNS is auto, the wifi log and traffic analizer is working but since I dont saved any DHCP ips the names are crazy and hard to define which one
I will not try to add the 3rd node because I have the merlim saved on it with all my configuration to switch if the AImesh stop to work, I simple just unplug the main AIMeSH and plug the Merlim to save the wifi/wire connection, the only problem is that I will need to reset the first and second node to factory FW and set it again as an ap router like were before the aimesh setup
I will try to use this entire week and see whats happen, with almost 60 devices / 20 on wifi I hope everything stay safe
I am a little worried about the RAM volume that came from 60MB to 130MB right now with the AIMESH setting against Merlim FW
Also, the ASUS app on android is not working anymore and IFTTT isant available too