Stephen Harrington
Very Senior Member
I now have my "test rig" set up and running on AiMesh, 4 X AC68U (converted from TM-AC1900's using Goggles99's CFE). All set as APs, Master and 3 Nodes, all on wired backhaul. LAN port from the Master into my main house router, which is currently a genuine RT-AC68U running latest Merlin (wireless disabled), soon to be an RT-AC86U when it arrives. Plan is that this will give me a "spare" RT-AC68U to use as either the main router or an AP if anything dies.
So far so good … not quite ready to put it into Production and replace my old Wireless N access points, but not far off if it proves reliable on the bench
Observations and comments so far:-
I now have my "test rig" set up and running on AiMesh, 4 X AC68U (converted from TM-AC1900's using Goggles99's CFE). All set as APs, Master and 3 Nodes, all on wired backhaul. LAN port from the Master into my main house router, which is currently a genuine RT-AC68U running latest Merlin (wireless disabled), soon to be an RT-AC86U when it arrives. Plan is that this will give me a "spare" RT-AC68U to use as either the main router or an AP if anything dies.
So far so good … not quite ready to put it into Production and replace my old Wireless N access points, but not far off if it proves reliable on the bench

Observations and comments so far:-
- I followed the setup instructions to the letter but found adding in the Nodes unreliable and prone to failure. I ended up turning on the Master, and then powering up the Nodes one at a time and adding them in, then turning the Node off and powering up the next one. When I had all 3 acquired, turned it all off and on again and seems sweet since.
I don't know if this is because there is so much Wifi flying around in such a small space, as I didn't turn off my existing TPLink Aps either, which is the enxt thing I would have tried. It's a little impractical IMHO to have to get all the AP's together in one room to do the "pairing", hopefully its not something you have to do often? Is there any plans to improve this and to be able to do it over the wired connection as well?
- I need Guest Networks back on the Nodes … hopefully sooner rather than later
I've already asked "when" in this thread and arthurlien has said it will be coming in around 2 months, but of course we won't hold him to this since he's been kind enough to stick his neck out.
- The WAN port on the Master unit seems to behave as an "extra" LAN port, although you can't plug AiMesh Nodes into it as per the setup bible. Seems perfectly fine for anything else though.
- It would be really nice to have more control over the settings on the Nodes. Maybe an "advanced" or "expert" mode? Other people have mentioned wanting control over professional wireless settings and remote reboot.
I can find the Nodes on my network and ping them, and I've even given them DHCP Reservations on my main home router. Via HTTP I seemingly can't change any settings as it redirects you to the web GUI of the Master. Would be nice to be able to Enable SSH, at least then you could get in and issue a "Reboot" command etc. And I've been known to reboot the odd thing from somewhere on the other side of the world when things go pear-shaped for the people looking after my house, its handy! Hopefully a lot more of this functionality to come as AiMesh matures?
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