Part of the Furniture
Even with a wired backhaul, AiMesh sets-up identical 2.4 and 5G IPs to the node (each with its own MAC). Probably for self-healing in case the wired goes down. So you can ignore that warning. I don't think Asus is going to re-engineer AiMesh for them.
Oddly,the wired IP to the node doesn't show in the client list. It also has the same IP. Maybe because its MAC is the same as 2.4Ghz.
Here... a node's wired/LAN and wireless/WLAN network interfaces each have their own MAC address. And a node is leased only one IP address...
With one ~60 foot wireless backhaul to a node with MACs 88:--:--:--:--:A?...
The DHCP Leases tab lists the node's wired/LAN MAC (the one on the labels):
* 88:--:--:--:--:A0 (IP for Hostname *)
The Wireless Log tab lists the node's wireless/WLAN MACs:
2.4 GHz 88:--:--:--:--:A1 (RSSI -45dBm with great Tx/Rx rates)
5.0 GHz 88:--:--:--:--:A4 (RSSI -53dBm with great Tx/Rx rates)
The Network Map lists NO clients having the node's wired/LAN or wireless/WLAN MACs/IP address.
If I directly wire the backhaul, AiMesh Auto senses connection type 'Wired', and then the Network Map lists the node's wireless/WLAN MACs:
2.4 GHz 88:--:--:--:--:A1 (IP for client ASUS)
5.0 GHz 88:--:--:--:--:A4 (IP for client ASUS)
So, AiMesh leases one IP address to Hostname * (the node), and a wired backhaul lists two wireless clients, both using that same IP address.
This is all probably AiMesh normal!