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RT-AC88U Crashes every 10-14 days

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Merlin firmware 380.58

I have had this router for about 3 months now and it seems that about every 2 weeks the router crashes (all devices have limited to no connectivity - I cannot access anything on the internet, cannot access any devices locally using IP addresses including my server. Wifi devices are connected to the router but there is no local or internet access). The only way to resolve this is to turn the router on and off. It works fine until about 10-14 days when the issue recurs.

I have tried clearing NVRAM, and reinstalling Merlin firmware and inputting all settings again manually. The logs dont have any events recorded right before the crash (usually the last log entry was 2-3 days prior).

Any ideas on what is happening would be appreciated?
no issue here with the 88u , you might have a buggy router , its under warranty you may ned to rma it and get a replacement
Press your RESET button without releasing it for 5-10sec while powered on, you will get it fixed.
Update - I restored the firmware to factory and the issue did not reappear. The only other change made was I did not enable all the trendnet micro apps.

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