Viktor Jaep
Part of the Furniture
Please give Beta 5 a try... I think it may have fixed sorting...Sent you the text files that you asked for plus a couple of more. Connected devices are by interface seem to be in different files.
Did redownload beta4 and if there were changes don't see the results. Sort still not working and devices still default sort by name. While the grey highlight moves the sort order never changes.
curl --retry 3 "" -o "/jffs/scripts/" && chmod 755 "/jffs/scripts/"
Any change in seeing stats for these tunnels? Also... can you try downloading a large file (over vpn), then simultaneously look at RTRMON to see if it indicates traffic?I use VPN clients 1,3 & 5 which are tunnels 11,13 & 15. I restarted the clients as you suggested
That's really strange... I can run "I can only get the command nslookup to resolve strangely enough on a second router double NATed behind AX86. The command does not work even when run from command prompt on a PC. This is probably a quirk in my network so not something you need to be concerned with.
" just fine on my local win11 laptop as well. Well, let's just chalk it up to a network quirk. 
Were you able to give this command a try to see why getting your network connections statistics locks up your script?Let me know if you need anything else or if I need to download another beta version.
iftop -t -i eth0
(or replace eth0 with the WAN interface name you are using?)