It was never my intention of being harsh, just trying to support. well I just leave you to it instead.
Abject apologies for my cranky post on Sunday, but it was close to midnight and bad weekend etc. but doesn't excuse taking out my frustration on you as a valued supporter of my project.
Anyway, I've uploaded
v4.17bB/wg_manager.asp Beta
Use at your own risk
The main change is
commands (and ALL the others) can now be requested via the WebUI
wgm Execute
dialog box (in lieu of dedicated
shortcut buttons)
There are still
minor GUI bugs...HELP button that
doesn't help..... and
Radio buttons that still don't reflect the actual State/Status. plus the limitation to only
display (in the formal GUI form) the single
'client' Peer configuration (although you can import an additional 8 'client' Peers, up to
!) and of course the 'Dummy SAVE' button, but they are next on the list.
So the proof of concept to allow a user to import a WireGuard® 'client' Peer and fully manage its status via WebUI buttons is now reality.
WARNING: Commands that generate console prompts will automatically be replied to with an AFFIRMATIVE 'Y'
e = Exit Script [?]
E:Option ==> peer wg18 del
Deleting 'client' Peer (wg18)
Press y to CONFIRM or press [Enter] to SKIP.
This is a simple case, where usually only the single prompt is issued but clearly a WebUI typo could cause the wrong 'client' Peer to be instantly deleted.
Furthermore, a request may generate multiple prompts,
e.g. suppose you wanted to delete a Road-Warrior 'device' Peer....
e = Exit Script [?]
E:Option ==> peer iPhone del
Deleting 'device' Peer (iPhone)
Press y to CONFIRM or press [Enter] to SKIP.
'device' Peer iPhone removed from 'server' Peer (wg21)
'device' Peer iPhone DELETED
WireGuard® 'server' Peer needs to be restarted to remove 'client' Peer
Press y to restart 'server' Peer (wg21) or press [Enter] to SKIP.
Obviously restarting the 'server' should be delayed to OoO, but the WebUI request would be actioned immediately which would interrupt the service provided by the 'server' Peer.
NOTE: Command '7. QRCode' requests cannot (yet) be used as the
qrencode -t ANSIUTF8
QRCODE get brutally mangled in the text box. (This will need a button on the WebUI to generate the PNG)
To install Beta
0.7 of the WebUI issue command:
e = Exit Script [?]
E:Option ==> www refresh
WebUI page 'user2.asp' ('wg_manager.asp') unmounted
WebUI page ('wg_manager.asp') mounted as 'user2.asp'
and you must also switch to a different Page on the GUI of the router, then re-select the WireGuard® Manager ADD-on TAB to load the new HTML Page.
Alternatively, (if you think you will forget to jump to a different TAB) you can force the WebUI TAB display refresh by restarting HTTPD, so you get booted out, and then are forced to log back in!
e = Exit Script [?]
E:Option ==> www unmount
WebUI page 'user2.asp' ('wg_manager.asp') unmounted
e = Exit Script [?]
E:Option ==> www mountX
WebUI page ('wg_manager.asp') mounted as 'user2.asp'
[✔] Restarted service_httpd for WebUI