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Skynet Skynet - Router Firewall & Security Enhancements

Hey Adamm,

Is there a limit to how many addresses can be blocked? I reached 65535 IPs being banned a few days ago and the number has not increased since which doesn't seem right?

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Hey Adamm,

Is there a limit to how many addresses can be blocked? I reached 65535 IPs being banned a few days ago and the number has not increased since which doesn't seem right?


This is more the likely due to the "maxelem" defaulting at 65535 when not specified. I'll get you the exact syntax when I finish work but you should be able to work it out from here


When creating your IPSets its best to leave this stuff unspecified as IPSet is supposed to dynamically adjust the values, but in this case seeing it isn't you would need to specify the following.

ipset -N -q Whitelist nethash --maxelem 65535
ipset -N -q Blacklist iphash --maxelem 65535
ipset -N -q BlockedCountries nethash --maxelem 65535
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This is more the likely due to the "maxelem" defaulting at 65535 when not specified. I'll get you the exact syntax when I finish work but you should be able to work it out from here


When creating your IPSets its best to leave this stuff unspecified as IPSet is supposed to dynamically adjust the values, but in this case seeing it isn't you would need to specify the following.

ipset -N -q Whitelist nethash --maxelem 65535
ipset -N -q Blacklist iphash --maxelem 65535
ipset -N -q BlockedCountries nethash --maxelem 65535
How and where would I place this info?

Update: I have two ipset files....ipset.txt and ipset2.txt where ipset.txt is the most recent and includes the whitelist, all the blacklisted ips and countries and ipset2.txt includes the whitelist and blocked ips but not the countries (I only recently added the countries) .

In each file I have the following:

-N Whitelist nethash --hashsize 1024 --probes 4 --resize 50
-N Blacklist iphash --hashsize 298932 --probes 8 --resize 50
-N BlockedCountries nethash --hashsize 298932 --probes 4 --resize 50

Are these the values I need to overwrite and is it normal to have the two ipset files?

I also, in the ipamount file see the magic number 65535.

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How and where would I place this info?

Update: I have two ipset files....ipset.txt and ipset2.txt where ipset.txt is the most recent and includes the whitelist, all the blacklisted ips and countries and ipset2.txt includes the whitelist and blocked ips but not the countries (I only recently added the countries) .

In each file I have the following:

-N Whitelist nethash --hashsize 1024 --probes 4 --resize 50
-N Blacklist iphash --hashsize 298932 --probes 8 --resize 50
-N BlockedCountries nethash --hashsize 298932 --probes 4 --resize 50

Are these the values I need to overwrite and is it normal to have the two ipset files?

I also, in the ipamount file see the magic number 65535.


ipset.txt is where each set is saved to every hour. ipset2.txt is a backup of that file every 24 hours.

That being said, the values only need to be replaced in ipset.txt then a reboot should fix your issue (as it will load ipset.txt on boot)

ipamount is just where I store the number of banned IP's for the syslog to reference.
Am I supposed to just add the three lines or replace (overwrite) the three current lines?
Am I supposed to just add the three lines or replace (overwrite) the three current lines?

Just overwrite the current lines in the file and IPSet should do the rest of the work for you after a reboot when it loads the file (ipset.txt)
I have installed the scripts to the correct locations and have checked to ensure they are executable. I am not getting any banned IP's and when I run the script manually
sh /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
I get the following output:
Correct Settings Detected.
[IP Banning Started] ... ... ...
iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).
iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).
iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
/opt/bin/firewall: line 145: echo: Argument list too long
Started:  Wed Jul  9 07:26:48 DST 2014
Finished: Wed Jul  9 07:26:49 DST 2014
0 IP's currently banned.
Output from:
ipset -n -L
Name: Whitelist
Type: nethash
References: 1
Header: hashsize: 1024 probes: 4 resize: 50

Name: Blacklist
Type: iphash
References: 2
Header: hashsize: 1024 probes: 8 resize: 50

Name: BlockedCountries
Type: nethash
References: 1
Header: hashsize: 1024 probes: 4 resize: 50
Any ideas as to what I need to change?
This thread is great!

I just setup an AC68U with RMerlin and I want to block all non-us countries. I started looking at IPTables to block all the subnets from IPDeny.com, but its too many rules which will cause bad perf. I was directed to look at ipsets since its supposed to not impact performance.

So I started reading this thread at the first post. Is that first post still the best instructions for this or are there updates?

I am not sure how the country is determined in this method. However it is detected, how often is it updated with most recent subnets?

In the post, it says that this will grab IP's from the syslog and automatically ban them. Did I read that right?

Does this ban individual IP's or subnet ranges?

I would really like to implement this on my AC68U and also my Linux web server. I just want to make sure that I am working with the most accurate process when I start implementing it.

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I just decided to re-set this up on a new router after a massive flood of dropped connections in my syslog from China!

Here is the code, and I am making the assumption Adamm doesn't mind me re-posting his excellent work:


echo "0 * * * * /tmp/mnt/sda1/asusware.arm/bin/firewall save" > /var/spool/cron/crontabs/admin
echo "0 5 * * * /tmp/mnt/sda1/asusware.arm/bin/firewall backup" >> /var/spool/cron/crontabs/admin
[ -n "`pidof crond`" ] && killall -q crond

sleep 1
sh /tmp/mnt/sda1/asusware.arm/bin/firewall

and /opt/bin/firewall

## 17/04/2014 --- RT-AC56U/RT-AC68U Firewall Addition v2.2 #
###          ----- Make Sure To Edit The Following Files -----                       #
### /jffs/firewall-start				 <-- Sets up cronjob/iptables rules			 #
### /opt/bin/firewall					 <-- Blacklists IP's From /opt/tmp/ipset.txt #
### /opt/tmp/ipset.txt                   <-- Banned IP List/IPSet Rules              #

#####Commands / Variables#####
UNBANSINGLE="unban"          # <-- Remove Single IP From Blacklist
UNBANALL="unbanall"          # <-- Unbans All IPs In Blacklist
REMOVEBANS="removeall"       # <-- Remove All Entries From Blacklist
SAVEIPSET="save"             # <-- Save Blacklists to /opt/tmp/ipset.txt
BANSINGLE="ban"              # <-- Adds Entry To Blacklist
BANCOUNTRYSINGLE="country"   # <-- Adds entire country to blacklist
BANCOUNTRYLIST="bancountry"  # <-- Bans specified countries in this file
WHITELIST="whitelist"        # <-- Add IPs from path to Whitelist
BACKUPRULES="backup"         # <-- Backup IPSet Rules to /opt/tmp/ipset2.txt / Checks for firmware updates

cat /opt/bin/firewall | head -23

# Unban / Unbanall / Removeall / Save / Ban / Country / Bancountry / Whitelist / Backup #

if [ X"$@" = X"$UNBANSINGLE" ]
	echo "Input IP Address To Unban"
	read unbannedip
	logger -t Firewall "[Unbanning And Removing $unbannedip From Blacklist] ... ... ..."
	ipset  -D Blacklist $unbannedip
	echo "`sed /$unbannedip/d /opt/tmp/ipset.txt`" > /opt/tmp/ipset.txt
	echo "$unbannedip Is Now Unbanned"

elif [ X"$@" = X"$UNBANALL" ]
	echo "[Unbanning All IP's] ... ... ..."
	logger -t Firewall "[Unbanning All IP's] ... ... ..."
	ipset --flush Blacklist
	ipset --flush BlockedCountries

elif [ X"$@" = X"$REMOVEBANS" ]
	expr `ipset list | wc -l` - 15 > /opt/tmp/ipamount
	echo "[Deleting All `cat $bannedips` Entries From Blacklist] ... ... ..."
	logger -t Firewall "[Deleting `cat $bannedips` Entries From Blacklist] ... ... ..."
	ipset --flush Blacklist
	ipset --flush BlockedCountries
	ipset --save > /opt/tmp/ipset.txt

elif [ X"$@" = X"$SAVEIPSET" ]
	echo "[Saving Blacklists] ... ... ..."
	ipset --save > /opt/tmp/ipset.txt
	echo "`sed '/crond: USER admin/d' /tmp/syslog.log`" > /tmp/syslog.log

elif [ X"$@" = X"$BANSINGLE" ]
	echo "Input IP Address"
	read bannedip
	logger -t Firewall "[Adding $bannedip To Blacklist] ... ... ..."
	ipset -q -A Blacklist $bannedip
	echo "$bannedip Is Now Banned"

elif [ X"$@" = X"$BANCOUNTRYSINGLE" ]
	echo "Input Country Abbreviation"
	read country
	for IP in $(wget -q -O - http://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks/data/countries/$country.zone)
	ipset -q -A BlockedCountries $IP

elif [ X"$@" = X"$BANCOUNTRYLIST" ]
	echo "[Banning Spam Countries] ... ... ..."
	for country in pk cn in jp ru sa
    for IP in $(wget -q -O - http://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks/data/countries/$country.zone)
    ipset -q -A BlockedCountries $IP

elif [ X"$@" = X"$WHITELIST" ]
	echo "Input file location"
	for IP in `cat $WHITELISTFILE`
	ipset -q -A Whitelist $IP
	echo $IP
	ipset --save > /opt/tmp/ipset.txt

elif [ X"$@" = X"$BACKUPRULES" ]
	echo "Backing Up Current IPSet Rules"
	cp -f /opt/tmp/ipset.txt /opt/tmp/ipset2.txt

		if [ X"`nvram get fw_log_x`" = X"drop" ]
			echo "Correct Settings Detected"
			nvram set fw_log_x=drop
			nvram commit

		if [ X"`nvram get fw_enable_x`" = X"1" ]
			echo "Correct Settings Detected."
			nvram set fw_enable_x=1
			nvram commit

	echo "[IP Banning Started] ... ... ..."
	logger -t Firewall "[IP Banning Started] ... ... ..."
	ipset -q -R  < /opt/tmp/ipset.txt
	ipset -q -N Whitelist nethash
	ipset -q -N Blacklist iphash
	ipset -q -N BlockedCountries nethash
	iptables -D logdrop -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-prefix "DROP " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options
	iptables -D INPUT -m set --match-set Whitelist src -j ACCEPT
	iptables -D INPUT -m set --match-set Blacklist src -j DROP
	iptables -D INPUT -m set --match-set BlockedCountries src -j DROP
	iptables -D logdrop -m state --state NEW -j SET --add-set Blacklist src
	iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set Blacklist src -j DROP
	iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set BlockedCountries src -j DROP
	iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set Whitelist src -j ACCEPT
	iptables -I logdrop -m state --state NEW -j SET --add-set Blacklist src
	ipset -q -A Whitelist
	ipset -q -A Whitelist `nvram get lan_ipaddr`/24
	echo "`sed '/DROP IN=/d' /tmp/syslog.log`" > /tmp/syslog.log
	echo "`sed '/DROP IN=/d' /tmp/syslog.log-1`" > /tmp/syslog.log-1

OLDAMOUNT=`cat /opt/tmp/ipamount`
echo "Started:  $started"
echo "Finished: `date`"
expr `ipset -L Blacklist | wc -l` - 6 > /opt/tmp/ipamount
NEWAMOUNT=`cat /opt/tmp/ipamount`
echo "`cat $bannedips` IP's currently banned."
logger -t Firewall "[Complete] `cat $bannedips` IPs currently banned. `expr $NEWAMOUNT - $OLDAMOUNT` New IP's Banned. "
Unknown arg `--match-set'

Asus RT-AC66U v.376.49

admin@kgw:/tmp/mnt/OPTWARE# iptables -V
iptables v1.3.8
admin@kgw:/tmp/mnt/OPTWARE# ipset -V
ipset v4.5, protocol version 4.
Kernel module protocol version 4.

admin@kgw:/tmp/mnt/OPTWARE# iptables -A INPUT -m set --match-set blacklist src -j LOG --log-prefix "DROP blacklist entry: "
iptables v1.3.8: Unknown arg `--match-set'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.

Update: Solved by change "-m set --match-set blacklist" to "-m set --set blacklist"
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I got this log:

Dec 27 19:51:55 dropbear[24029]: Bad password attempt for 'admin' from
Dec 27 19:51:56 dropbear[24031]: Login attempt for nonexistent user from
Dec 27 19:51:56 dropbear[24029]: Exit before auth (user 'admin', 10 fails): Max auth tries reached - user 'admin' from
Dec 27 19:51:56 dropbear[24032]: Child connection from
Dec 27 19:51:56 dropbear[24031]: Login attempt for nonexistent user from
Dec 27 19:51:56 dropbear[24033]: Child connection from
Dec 27 19:51:57 dropbear[24031]: Login attempt for nonexistent user from
Dec 27 19:51:58 dropbear[24031]: Login attempt for nonexistent user from
Dec 27 19:51:58 dropbear[24032]: Login attempt for nonexistent user from
Dec 27 19:51:58 dropbear[24031]: Login attempt for nonexistent user from
Dec 27 19:51:59 dropbear[24032]: Login attempt for nonexistent user from
Dec 27 19:51:59 dropbear[24031]: Login attempt for nonexistent user from
Dec 27 19:51:59 dropbear[24032]: Login attempt for nonexistent user from
Dec 27 19:52:00 dropbear[24031]: Login attempt for nonexistent user from
Dec 27 19:52:00 dropbear[24032]: Login attempt for nonexistent user from
Dec 27 19:52:00 dropbear[24031]: Login attempt for nonexistent user from
Dec 27 19:52:00 dropbear[24032]: Login attempt for nonexistent user from
Dec 27 19:52:01 dropbear[24031]: Exit before auth: Max auth tries reached - user 'is invalid' from
Dec 27 19:52:01 dropbear[24032]: Login attempt for nonexistent user from
Dec 27 19:52:01 dropbear[24035]: Child connection from
Dec 27 19:52:01 dropbear[24033]: Bad password attempt for 'admin' from
Dec 27 19:52:02 dropbear[24032]: Login attempt for nonexistent user from
Dec 27 19:52:02 dropbear[24033]: Bad password attempt for 'admin' from
Dec 27 19:52:02 dropbear[24032]: Exit before auth: Error reading: Connection reset by peer
Dec 27 19:52:02 dropbear[24033]: Exit before auth (user 'admin', 2 fails): Error reading: Connection reset by peer
Dec 27 19:52:02 dropbear[24035]: Exit before auth: Error writing: Connection reset by peer
Dec 27 20:00:01 [B][COLOR="Red"]Firewall: [Complete] 0 IPs currently banned. 0 New IP's Banned. [/COLOR][/B]
Dec 27 20:17:03 dropbear[24157]: Child connection from
Dec 27 20:17:05 dropbear[24157]: Login attempt for nonexistent user from
Dec 27 20:17:06 dropbear[24157]: Exit before auth: Disconnect received
Dec 27 20:17:09 dropbear[24158]: Child connection from
Dec 27 20:17:14 dropbear[24158]: Login attempt for nonexistent user from
Dec 27 20:17:14 dropbear[24158]: Exit before auth: Disconnect received
Dec 27 20:17:18 dropbear[24159]: Child connection from
Dec 27 20:17:24 dropbear[24159]: Login attempt for nonexistent user from
Dec 27 20:17:24 dropbear[24159]: Exit before auth: Error reading: Connection reset by peer
Dec 27 20:47:56 dropbear[24279]: Child connection from
Dec 27 20:47:57 dropbear[24279]: Exit before auth: Exited normally

Isn't the firewall script supposed to ban these ips?? What's going on?
Then i ran the firewall script manually, with following output:

admin@RT-AC56U:/tmp/home/root# sh /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
## 17/04/2014 --- RT-AC56U/RT-AC68U Firewall Addition v2.2 #
###          ----- Make Sure To Edit The Following Files -----
### /jffs/firewall-start                 <-- Sets up cronjob/iptables rules
### /opt/bin/firewall                    <-- Blacklists IP's From /opt/tmp/ipset
.txt #
### /opt/tmp/ipset.txt                   <-- Banned IP List/IPSet Rules

#####Commands / Variables#####
UNBANSINGLE="unban"          # <-- Remove Single IP From Blacklist
UNBANALL="unbanall"          # <-- Unbans All IPs In Blacklist
REMOVEBANS="removeall"       # <-- Remove All Entries From Blacklist
SAVEIPSET="save"             # <-- Save Blacklists to /opt/tmp/ipset.txt
BANSINGLE="ban"              # <-- Adds Entry To Blacklist
BANCOUNTRYSINGLE="country"   # <-- Adds entire country to blacklist
BANCOUNTRYLIST="bancountry"  # <-- Bans specified countries in this file
WHITELIST="whitelist"        # <-- Add IPs from path to Whitelist
BACKUPRULES="backup"         # <-- Backup IPSet Rules to /opt/tmp/ipset2.txt / C
hecks for firmware updates
Correct Settings Detected
Correct Settings Detected.
[IP Banning Started] ... ... ...
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
/opt/bin/firewall: line 145: echo: Argument list too long
Started:  Sat Dec 27 20:56:51 GMT 2014
Finished: Sat Dec 27 20:56:52 GMT 2014
0 IP's currently banned.

What am i missing??
My problem seems the same as post #49, but no answer?
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Try the command "firewall save" one time. Not using this right now but seemed to kick start the banning for me if I remember correctly.
Well, i already ran this command some time ago, to make it create /opt/tmp/ipset.txt.
So that file exists already, making me doubt that this is the solution :/

Btw, only thing i edited was the path in "firewall-start", from


as it otherwise gave me an error.
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I saw this question being asked a few times and this thread being linked so I thought i'd post my current code. I removed a few functions like my autoupdate feature until I get my VPS up and running again.

## - 25/12/2014 ---		RT-AC66U/RT-AC56U/RT-AC68U Firewall Addition v2.5 -  		#
###					----- Make Sure To Edit The Following Files -----			  #
### /jffs/firewall-start					 <-- Sets up cronjob/iptables rules		  #
### /jffs/scripts/firewall					 <-- Blacklists IP's From /jffs/scripts/ipset.txt #
### /jffs/scripts/ipset.txt					 <-- Banned IP List/IPSet Rules			  #

#####Commands / Variables#####
UNBANSINGLE="unban"          # <-- Remove Single IP From Blacklist
UNBANALL="unbanall"          # <-- Unbans All IPs In Blacklist
REMOVEBANS="removeall"       # <-- Remove All Entries From Blacklist
SAVEIPSET="save"             # <-- Save Blacklists to /jffs/scripts/ipset.txt
BANSINGLE="ban"              # <-- Adds Entry To Blacklist
BANCOUNTRYSINGLE="country"   # <-- Adds entire country to blacklist
BANCOUNTRYLIST="bancountry"  # <-- Bans specified countries in this file
WHITELIST="whitelist"        # <-- Add IPs from path to Whitelist
NEWLIST="new"				 # <-- Create new IPSet Blacklist
DUMPCFE="dumpcfe"	     	 # <-- Dumps current CFE to /jffs/scripts/cfe.dump
UPDATECFE="updatecfe"	     # <-- Flash CFE from /jffs/scripts/cfe.flash (reset nvram afterwards)

start_time=`date +%s`
cat /jffs/scripts/firewall | head -28

# - Unban / Unbanall / Removeall / Save / Ban / Country / Bancountry / Whitelist / Hideme / Findme/ DumpCFE / UpdateCFE  / Backup - #

if [ X"$@" = X"$UNBANSINGLE" ]
	echo "Input IP Address To Unban"
	read unbannedip
	logger -t Firewall "[Unbanning And Removing $unbannedip From Blacklist] ... ... ..."
	ipset  -D Blacklist $unbannedip
	echo "`sed /$unbannedip/d /jffs/scripts/ipset.txt`" > /jffs/scripts/ipset.txt
	echo "$unbannedip Is Now Unbanned"

elif [ X"$@" = X"$UNBANALL" ]
	echo "[Unbanning All IP's] ... ... ..."
	logger -t Firewall "[Unbanning All IP's] ... ... ..."
	ipset --flush Blacklist
	ipset --flush BlockedCountries

elif [ X"$@" = X"$REMOVEBANS" ]
	nvram set Blacklist=`expr \`ipset -L Blacklist | wc -l\` - 6`
	echo "[Deleting All `echo \`nvram get Blacklist\`` Entries From Blacklist] ... ... ..."
	logger -t Firewall "[Deleting All `echo \`nvram get Blacklist\`` Entries From Blacklist] ... ... ..."
	ipset --flush Blacklist
	ipset --flush BlockedCountries
	ipset --save > /jffs/scripts/ipset.txt

elif [ X"$@" = X"$SAVEIPSET" ]
	echo "[Saving Blacklists] ... ... ..."
	ipset --save > /jffs/scripts/ipset.txt
	echo "`sed '/crond: USER admin/d' /tmp/syslog.log`" > /tmp/syslog.log

elif [ X"$@" = X"$BANSINGLE" ]
	echo "Input IP Address"
	read bannedip
	logger -t Firewall "[Adding $bannedip To Blacklist] ... ... ..."
	ipset -q -A Blacklist $bannedip
	echo "$bannedip Is Now Banned"

elif [ X"$@" = X"$BANCOUNTRYSINGLE" ]
	echo "Input Country Abbreviation"
	read country
	for IP in $(wget -q -O - http://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks/data/countries/$country.zone)
	ipset -q -A BlockedCountries $IP

elif [ X"$@" = X"$BANCOUNTRYLIST" ]
	echo "[Banning Spam Countries] ... ... ..."
	for country in pk cn in jp ru sa
        for IP in $(wget -q -O - http://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks/data/countries/$country.zone)
    	ipset -q -A BlockedCountries $IP

elif [ X"$@" = X"$WHITELIST" ]
	echo "Input file location"
	for IP in `cat $WHITELISTFILE`
	ipset -q -A Whitelist $IP
	echo $IP
	ipset --save > /jffs/scripts/ipset.txt

elif [ X"$@" = X"$NEWLIST" ]
	echo "Does The Blacklist Need To Be Downloaded? yes/no"
		if [ X"$ENABLEDOWNLOAD" = X"yes" ]; then
			echo "Input URL For IPSet Blacklist"
			wget -O /jffs/scripts/ipset2.txt $DOWNLOADURL
	echo "Input New Set Name"
	sed -i "s/Blacklist/$SETNAME/g" /jffs/scripts/ipset2.txt
	ipset -q -R  < /jffs/scripts/ipset2.txt
	echo "Successfully Added New Set"

elif [ X"$@" = X"$DUMPCFE" ] && [ X"`nvram get model`" = X"RT-AC68U" ]
	echo "Dumping CFE"
	logger -t Firewall "[Dumping CFE] ... ... ..."
	OLDCFE="`strings /dev/mtd0 | grep model` - `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep bl_v` - `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep 0:ccode` - `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep et0macaddr` - `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep 0:macaddr` - `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep 1:macaddr` - `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep secret_code`"
	cat /dev/mtd0 > /jffs/scripts/cfe.dump
	echo "Sucessfully Dumped CFE - $OLDCFE"
	logger -t Firewall "Sucessfully Dumped CFE - $OLDCFE"

elif [ X"$@" = X"$UPDATECFE" ] && [ X"`nvram get model`" = X"RT-AC68U" ]
	echo "Flashing new CFE"
	logger -t Firewall "[Flashing new CFE] ... ... ..."
	OLDCFE="`strings /dev/mtd0 | grep et0macaddr`  `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep 0:macaddr`  `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep 1:macaddr`  `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep secret_code`"
	NEWCFE="`strings /jffs/scripts/cfe.flash | grep et0macaddr`  `strings /jffs/scripts/cfe.flash | grep 0:macaddr`  `strings /jffs/scripts/cfe.flash | grep 1:macaddr`  `strings /jffs/scripts/cfe.flash | grep secret_code`"
		if [ X"`echo $OLDCFE`" = X"`echo $NEWCFE`" ]; then
			echo "Correct Values Detected"
			/jffs/scripts/mtd-write cfe.flash boot && status="Successfully flashed new CFE. `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep bl_v`   `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep 0:ccode`   $NEWCFE"  || status="Failed flashing new CFE"
			logger -t Firewall "$status ... ... ..."
			echo "$status"
			echo "Values Missing From New CFE - Make Sure Values Are Hex'd In" && status="Values Missing From New CFE - Make Sure Values Are Hex'd In"
			echo "Old CFE - $OLDCFE"
			echo "New CFE - $NEWCFE"
			logger -t Firewall "$status ... ... ..."

		if [ X"`nvram get fw_enable_x`" = X"1" ]
			echo "Correct Settings Detected."
			echo "Enabled SPI Firewall"
			nvram set fw_enable_x=1
			nvram commit

		if [ X"`nvram get fw_log_x`" = X"drop" ]
			echo "Correct Settings Detected"
			echo "Enabled Firewall Logging"
			nvram set fw_log_x=drop
			nvram commit

		if [ X"`nvram get clkfreq`" != X"1200,800" ] && [ X"`nvram get model`" = X"RT-AC68U" ]
			echo "Enabled Overclock - Current Clock `nvram get clkfreq`"
			nvram set clkfreq=1200,800
			nvram commit
			echo "Correct Settings Detected."

	echo "`sed '/IP Banning Started/d' /tmp/syslog.log`" > /tmp/syslog.log
	echo "[IP Banning Started] ... ... ..."
	logger -t Firewall "[IP Banning Started] ... ... ..."
	ipset -q -R  < /jffs/scripts/ipset.txt
	ipset -q -N Whitelist nethash
	ipset -q -N Blacklist iphash
	ipset -q -N BlockedCountries nethash
	iptables -D logdrop -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-prefix "DROP " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options  > /dev/null 2>&1
	iptables -D INPUT -m set --match-set Whitelist src -j ACCEPT
	iptables -D INPUT -m set --match-set Blacklist src -j DROP
	iptables -D INPUT -m set --match-set BlockedCountries src -j DROP
	iptables -D logdrop -m state --state NEW -j SET --add-set Blacklist src
	iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set Blacklist src -j DROP
	iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set BlockedCountries src -j DROP
	iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set Whitelist src -j ACCEPT
	iptables -I logdrop -m state --state NEW -j SET --add-set Blacklist src
	ipset -q -A Whitelist
	ipset -q -A Whitelist
	ipset -q -A Whitelist `nvram get lan_ipaddr`/24
	echo "`sed '/DROP IN=/d' /tmp/syslog.log`" > /tmp/syslog.log
	echo "`sed '/DROP IN=/d' /tmp/syslog.log-1`" > /tmp/syslog.log-1


# - Logging - #
OLDAMOUNT=`nvram get Blacklist`
nvram set Blacklist=`expr \`ipset -L Blacklist | wc -l\` - 6`
NEWAMOUNT=`nvram get Blacklist`
nvram set BlacklistTotal=`expr \`ipset -L | wc -l\` - 26`
start_time=$(expr `date +%s` - $start_time)
echo "[Complete] $NEWAMOUNT IPs currently banned. `expr $NEWAMOUNT - $OLDAMOUNT` New IP's Banned. `nvram get BlacklistTotal` Banned Overall [`echo $start_time`s]"
logger -t Firewall "[Complete] $NEWAMOUNT IPs currently banned. `expr $NEWAMOUNT - $OLDAMOUNT` New IP's Banned. `nvram get BlacklistTotal` Banned Overall [`echo $start_time`s]"


echo "0 * * * * /jffs/scripts/firewall save" > /var/spool/cron/crontabs/admin
[ -n "`pidof crond`" ] && killall -q crond

sleep 5
sh /jffs/scripts/firewall
Last edited:
I saw this question being asked a few times and this thread being linked so I thought i'd post my current code. I removed a few functions like my autoupdate feature until I get my VPS up and running again.

Sorry, i'm a bit confused now, with your new code, some of the changes would be nice to know why they are made :)

Maybe an update of the main post, so everything is up to date? That would be a lot easier, rather than one having to read through the entire thread to gather bits of info..
Hold the Phone... why does this script backup and flashes the bootoader?
I saw this question being asked a few times and this thread being linked so I thought i'd post my current code. I removed a few functions like my autoupdate feature until I get my VPS up and running again.

## - 25/12/2014 ---        RT-AC66U/RT-AC56U/RT-AC68U Firewall Addition v2.5 -          #
###                    ----- Make Sure To Edit The Following Files -----              #
### /jffs/firewall-start                     <-- Sets up cronjob/iptables rules          #
### /jffs/scripts/firewall                     <-- Blacklists IP's From /jffs/scripts/ipset.txt #
### /jffs/scripts/ipset.txt                     <-- Banned IP List/IPSet Rules              #

#####Commands / Variables#####
UNBANSINGLE="unban"          # <-- Remove Single IP From Blacklist
UNBANALL="unbanall"          # <-- Unbans All IPs In Blacklist
REMOVEBANS="removeall"       # <-- Remove All Entries From Blacklist
SAVEIPSET="save"             # <-- Save Blacklists to /jffs/scripts/ipset.txt
BANSINGLE="ban"              # <-- Adds Entry To Blacklist
BANCOUNTRYSINGLE="country"   # <-- Adds entire country to blacklist
BANCOUNTRYLIST="bancountry"  # <-- Bans specified countries in this file
WHITELIST="whitelist"        # <-- Add IPs from path to Whitelist
NEWLIST="new"                 # <-- Create new IPSet Blacklist
DUMPCFE="dumpcfe"              # <-- Dumps current CFE to /jffs/scripts/cfe.dump
UPDATECFE="updatecfe"         # <-- Flash CFE from /jffs/scripts/cfe.flash (reset nvram afterwards)

start_time=`date +%s`
cat /jffs/scripts/firewall | head -28

# - Unban / Unbanall / Removeall / Save / Ban / Country / Bancountry / Whitelist / Hideme / Findme/ DumpCFE / UpdateCFE  / Backup - #

if [ X"$@" = X"$UNBANSINGLE" ]
    echo "Input IP Address To Unban"
    read unbannedip
    logger -t Firewall "[Unbanning And Removing $unbannedip From Blacklist] ... ... ..."
    ipset  -D Blacklist $unbannedip
    echo "`sed /$unbannedip/d /jffs/scripts/ipset.txt`" > /jffs/scripts/ipset.txt
    echo "$unbannedip Is Now Unbanned"

elif [ X"$@" = X"$UNBANALL" ]
    echo "[Unbanning All IP's] ... ... ..."
    logger -t Firewall "[Unbanning All IP's] ... ... ..."
    ipset --flush Blacklist
    ipset --flush BlockedCountries

elif [ X"$@" = X"$REMOVEBANS" ]
    nvram set Blacklist=`expr \`ipset -L Blacklist | wc -l\` - 6`
    echo "[Deleting All `echo \`nvram get Blacklist\`` Entries From Blacklist] ... ... ..."
    logger -t Firewall "[Deleting All `echo \`nvram get Blacklist\`` Entries From Blacklist] ... ... ..."
    ipset --flush Blacklist
    ipset --flush BlockedCountries
    ipset --save > /jffs/scripts/ipset.txt

elif [ X"$@" = X"$SAVEIPSET" ]
    echo "[Saving Blacklists] ... ... ..."
    ipset --save > /jffs/scripts/ipset.txt
    echo "`sed '/crond: USER admin/d' /tmp/syslog.log`" > /tmp/syslog.log

elif [ X"$@" = X"$BANSINGLE" ]
    echo "Input IP Address"
    read bannedip
    logger -t Firewall "[Adding $bannedip To Blacklist] ... ... ..."
    ipset -q -A Blacklist $bannedip
    echo "$bannedip Is Now Banned"

elif [ X"$@" = X"$BANCOUNTRYSINGLE" ]
    echo "Input Country Abbreviation"
    read country
    for IP in $(wget -q -O - http://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks/data/countries/$country.zone)
    ipset -q -A BlockedCountries $IP

elif [ X"$@" = X"$BANCOUNTRYLIST" ]
    echo "[Banning Spam Countries] ... ... ..."
    for country in pk cn in jp ru sa
        for IP in $(wget -q -O - http://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks/data/countries/$country.zone)
        ipset -q -A BlockedCountries $IP

elif [ X"$@" = X"$WHITELIST" ]
    echo "Input file location"
    for IP in `cat $WHITELISTFILE`
    ipset -q -A Whitelist $IP
    echo $IP
    ipset --save > /jffs/scripts/ipset.txt

elif [ X"$@" = X"$NEWLIST" ]
    echo "Does The Blacklist Need To Be Downloaded? yes/no"
        if [ X"$ENABLEDOWNLOAD" = X"yes" ]; then
            echo "Input URL For IPSet Blacklist"
            read DOWNLOADURL
            wget -O /jffs/scripts/ipset2.txt $DOWNLOADURL
    echo "Input New Set Name"
    read SETNAME
    sed -i "s/Blacklist/$SETNAME/g" /jffs/scripts/ipset2.txt
    ipset -q -R  < /jffs/scripts/ipset2.txt
    echo "Successfully Added New Set"

elif [ X"$@" = X"$DUMPCFE" ] && [ X"`nvram get model`" = X"RT-AC68U" ]
    echo "Dumping CFE"
    logger -t Firewall "[Dumping CFE] ... ... ..."
    OLDCFE="`strings /dev/mtd0 | grep model` - `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep bl_v` - `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep 0:ccode` - `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep et0macaddr` - `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep 0:macaddr` - `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep 1:macaddr` - `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep secret_code`"
    cat /dev/mtd0 > /jffs/scripts/cfe.dump
    echo "Sucessfully Dumped CFE - $OLDCFE"
    logger -t Firewall "Sucessfully Dumped CFE - $OLDCFE"

elif [ X"$@" = X"$UPDATECFE" ] && [ X"`nvram get model`" = X"RT-AC68U" ]
    echo "Flashing new CFE"
    logger -t Firewall "[Flashing new CFE] ... ... ..."
    OLDCFE="`strings /dev/mtd0 | grep et0macaddr`  `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep 0:macaddr`  `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep 1:macaddr`  `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep secret_code`"
    NEWCFE="`strings /jffs/scripts/cfe.flash | grep et0macaddr`  `strings /jffs/scripts/cfe.flash | grep 0:macaddr`  `strings /jffs/scripts/cfe.flash | grep 1:macaddr`  `strings /jffs/scripts/cfe.flash | grep secret_code`"
        if [ X"`echo $OLDCFE`" = X"`echo $NEWCFE`" ]; then
            echo "Correct Values Detected"
            /jffs/scripts/mtd-write cfe.flash boot && status="Successfully flashed new CFE. `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep bl_v`   `strings /dev/mtd0 | grep 0:ccode`   $NEWCFE"  || status="Failed flashing new CFE"
            logger -t Firewall "$status ... ... ..."
            echo "$status"
            echo "Values Missing From New CFE - Make Sure Values Are Hex'd In" && status="Values Missing From New CFE - Make Sure Values Are Hex'd In"
            echo "Old CFE - $OLDCFE"
            echo "New CFE - $NEWCFE"
            logger -t Firewall "$status ... ... ..."

        if [ X"`nvram get fw_enable_x`" = X"1" ]
            echo "Correct Settings Detected."
            echo "Enabled SPI Firewall"
            nvram set fw_enable_x=1
            nvram commit

        if [ X"`nvram get fw_log_x`" = X"drop" ]
            echo "Correct Settings Detected"
            echo "Enabled Firewall Logging"
            nvram set fw_log_x=drop
            nvram commit

        if [ X"`nvram get clkfreq`" != X"1200,800" ] && [ X"`nvram get model`" = X"RT-AC68U" ]
            echo "Enabled Overclock - Current Clock `nvram get clkfreq`"
            nvram set clkfreq=1200,800
            nvram commit
            echo "Correct Settings Detected."

    echo "`sed '/IP Banning Started/d' /tmp/syslog.log`" > /tmp/syslog.log
    echo "[IP Banning Started] ... ... ..."
    logger -t Firewall "[IP Banning Started] ... ... ..."
    ipset -q -R  < /jffs/scripts/ipset.txt
    ipset -q -N Whitelist nethash
    ipset -q -N Blacklist iphash
    ipset -q -N BlockedCountries nethash
    iptables -D logdrop -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-prefix "DROP " --log-tcp-sequence --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options  > /dev/null 2>&1
    iptables -D INPUT -m set --match-set Whitelist src -j ACCEPT
    iptables -D INPUT -m set --match-set Blacklist src -j DROP
    iptables -D INPUT -m set --match-set BlockedCountries src -j DROP
    iptables -D logdrop -m state --state NEW -j SET --add-set Blacklist src
    iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set Blacklist src -j DROP
    iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set BlockedCountries src -j DROP
    iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set Whitelist src -j ACCEPT
    iptables -I logdrop -m state --state NEW -j SET --add-set Blacklist src
    ipset -q -A Whitelist
    ipset -q -A Whitelist
    ipset -q -A Whitelist `nvram get lan_ipaddr`/24
    echo "`sed '/DROP IN=/d' /tmp/syslog.log`" > /tmp/syslog.log
    echo "`sed '/DROP IN=/d' /tmp/syslog.log-1`" > /tmp/syslog.log-1


# - Logging - #
OLDAMOUNT=`nvram get Blacklist`
nvram set Blacklist=`expr \`ipset -L Blacklist | wc -l\` - 6`
NEWAMOUNT=`nvram get Blacklist`
nvram set BlacklistTotal=`expr \`ipset -L | wc -l\` - 26`
start_time=$(expr `date +%s` - $start_time)
echo "[Complete] $NEWAMOUNT IPs currently banned. `expr $NEWAMOUNT - $OLDAMOUNT` New IP's Banned. `nvram get BlacklistTotal` Banned Overall [`echo $start_time`s]"
logger -t Firewall "[Complete] $NEWAMOUNT IPs currently banned. `expr $NEWAMOUNT - $OLDAMOUNT` New IP's Banned. `nvram get BlacklistTotal` Banned Overall [`echo $start_time`s]"


echo "0 * * * * /jffs/scripts/firewall save" > /var/spool/cron/crontabs/admin
[ -n "`pidof crond`" ] && killall -q crond

sleep 5
sh /jffs/scripts/firewall

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