Jack Yaz
Part of the Furniture
spdmerlin is trying to use jffs, which is full, and not your USBHello! I setup spdMerlin yesterday and now I want to change some settings but as I try to do anything I get these error messages. What should I do? I have a Kingston 32 gig USB-stick mounted to USB 3.0 port and its running swap file which is 10 gigabytes. I have 18 gigs of free space left, but its still saying I dont have space on device.
sed: can't create temp file '/jffs/addons/spdmerlin.d/configyXCk2P': No space left on device
sed: can't create temp file '/jffs/addons/spdmerlin.d/configXYXw9N': No space left on device
sed: can't create temp file '/jffs/addons/spdmerlin.d/configQgbo2Q': No space left on device