Well, things have been going pretty smoothly for me for the last couple of weeks, but today proved to be problematic.
I first noticed that my iPhone wasn’t getting Internet access, so I switched WiFi off and back on again and it started working for a couple of minutes and then lost its Internet connection again. So, this time I tried pinging the router and everything looked good. I also pinged Google’s DNS servers and they also responded as expected. My work PC seemed unaffected as I had just completed a Teams meeting, but when trying to access another device on the network from my iPhone, it failed. Next, I tried rebooting the iPhone and while it still maintained Internet access, I still couldn’t access the other device on the network.
Since everything seemed to be hit or miss, I decided to reboot the BQ16s. This seems to have resolved the issues for now, but this has been a different problem than what I have experienced in the past. Previously, I would be unable to ping the router or Google’s DNS servers when I lost Internet access. This time all was good with those two services, so I have no idea what would cause Internet access to fail on just some devices.
As it’s now January, I’m hoping there will be another firmware update this month that will further stabilize the network.
[Crossing my fingers]