For those who scoff at
'paraskevidekatriaphobia' then TL;DR
but for those that
do believe, I'll tempt fate with your router "
I've uploaded
Github md5=319192913e189773c0a5d86b73ff4149
Use of the 'i = Update unbound Installation' **optional** see Change Log
CHANGE: @juched's
Ad Block script
v1.0.4 now no longer uses the
'site' config file; Download new config files unless migrate
'site' contents is deemed appropriate.
e = Exit Script
A:Option ==> i 3
Option Auto Reply 'y' Installing Ads and Tracker Blocking.....
adblock/ downloaded successfully
adblock/permlist downloaded successfully
Migrating legacy 'site' config to 'blocksites/allowsites' format.....
Custom '/opt/share/unbound/configs/blocksites' already exists - 'adblock/blocksites' download skipped
Custom '/opt/share/unbound/configs/allowsites' already exists - 'adblock/allowsites' download skipped
adblock/blockhost downloaded successfully
adblock/allowhost downloaded successfully
Adding Ad and Tracker 'include: /opt/var/lib/unbound/adblock/adservers'
Creating Daily cron job for Ad and Tracker update
Executing '/opt/var/lib/unbound/adblock/'.....
Removing possible temporary files..
Attempting to Download
######################################################################## 100.0%
Downloading User Allow List...
Combining User Custom block host...
Filtering user requested domains from adblock list...
Filtering required domains from adblock list...
Removing unnecessary formatting from the domain list...
51543 domains compiled
Generating Unbound adlist.....
Removing temporary files...
Restarting Unbound DNS server...
CHANGE: 'ec' edit Ad Block config command replaced by
'eca=Config-AllowSites' and 'ecb=Config-BlockSites' commands to manage the new Ad Block config files. (see
'' notes for new format)
ADD: 'dumpcache [bootrest]' will now modify
'post-mount' to
auto restore the saved cache during a REBOOT.
FIX: When ENABLING unbound logging etc., the cache is not saved as '
/init.d/S61unbound' is called direct. Invoke
'unbound_manager restart' instead.
CHANGE: Enforce 'dos2unix' in the function
download() for Github files where appropriate.
@juched perhaps it would be useful to precede the first message from ''
Removing possible temporary files..
with something containing the version number of the script?
Ad Block Configuration v1.0.4 started.....
Also, (pushing my luck here

) would you consider including commented
examples of the various formats of the entries
currently allowed in the various config files?
i.e. it must be a bit disconcerting for novices if they decide to use say command
and are suddenly simply presented with an imposing blank screen.