I have installed the verizon fios gigabit service at my home, when the installer came, i asked him to connect a ethernet cable from the outside ont so i could use any router of my choosing.
Later on, I noticed i wasnt getting anywhere close to gigabit speeds, i was getting around 200mbs for download/upload. I knew first thing they were going to say was that i dont have a verizon router so they were going to blame my router. So i chose to connect my laptop directly to the ethernet that comes out of the ont(bypassing the router) and same speeds. So i called in and complained and they sent out a technician.
Technician showed up, tested with a verizon router and voila, close to gigabit speeds, I felt like an idiot.
Conclusion of the story and my question, do i need a verizon router to fully receive their speed? Are their certain settings on my router that i need to configure or does this service really only fully work with their router?
I currently have an Asus rt-acc66u
Later on, I noticed i wasnt getting anywhere close to gigabit speeds, i was getting around 200mbs for download/upload. I knew first thing they were going to say was that i dont have a verizon router so they were going to blame my router. So i chose to connect my laptop directly to the ethernet that comes out of the ont(bypassing the router) and same speeds. So i called in and complained and they sent out a technician.
Technician showed up, tested with a verizon router and voila, close to gigabit speeds, I felt like an idiot.
Conclusion of the story and my question, do i need a verizon router to fully receive their speed? Are their certain settings on my router that i need to configure or does this service really only fully work with their router?
I currently have an Asus rt-acc66u
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