Part of the Furniture
Appears that your requirement is to route Netflix traffic to the WAN rather than thru the VPN.Hi.
At first @Xentrk, many thanks for help.
But now I have another question:
I'm testing the vpn selective routing on one host.
So, I have a rule in vpnclient3-route-up:
Exvery thing is working, except error from netflix about proxy.Code:iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i br0 -m iprange --src-range -p tcp -m multiport --dport 80,443 -j MARK --set-mark 0x4000/0x4000
I tried to add:
But it doesn't help, I still received this error from netflix.Code:sh /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/load_DNSMASQ_ipset_iface.sh 0 NETFLIX_DNS netflix.com,nflxext.com,nflximg.net,nflxso.net,nflxvideo.net. sh /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/load_ASN_ipset_iface.sh 0 NETFLIX AS2906
I tried to change the line with vpn mark:
No lucky.Code:iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i br0 -m iprange --src-range -p tcp -m multiport --dport 80,443 -m set ! --match-set NETFLIX_DNS dst -m set ! --match-set NETFLIX dst -j MARK --set-mark 0x4000/0x4000
Can you help ?
I noticed a "." at the end of the first line below that may be causing the issue. It may have been a copy/paste error. Check the contents of /jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add to see how the entry looks. If you have the "." at the end, you can delete it and then bounce dnsmasq using the command "service restart_dnsmasq".
sh /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/load_DNSMASQ_ipset_iface.sh 0 NETFLIX_DNS netflix.com,nflxext.com,nflximg.net,nflxso.net,nflxvideo.net.
sh /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/load_ASN_ipset_iface.sh 0 NETFLIX AS2906
I know of one or two forum members who have had to combine the DNSMASQ and ASN method to route Netflix traffic. Where I live, I can use one or the other.
Another thing you can try is to include the domain "amazonaws.com" to the NETFLIX_DNS ipset list since Netflix hosts on Amazon server farm.
If that doesn't work, you may have to do some more analysis by mining dnsmasq.log file to see what domain names are being queried. See the thread below for tips: