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Recent AX86U Pro Adapter Info.

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Very Senior Member
My recent AX86U Pro from Amazon.

1. Adapter: 12V 3A. Diameter 5.5 * 2.5mm.
Compatible ASUS Laptop adapters and 3rd party adapters work fine.

dhesfsfsf (2).jpg

2. Router back.

dhesfsfsf (3).jpg

RT-AX86U Pro: Present AX86U Pro comes with '12 V with max.3 A'.
Following adapters are compatible.
19 V with max. 2.37 A current / 19.5 V with max. 2.31 A current or
12 V with max.3 A current / 19.5 V with max. 2.31 A current

RT-AX86U: Following adapters are compatible.
19 V with max. 2.37 A current / 19.5 V with max. 2.31 A current

RT-AX86S: Following adapters are compatible.
12 V with max.3 A current / 19.5 V with max. 2.31 A current
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I just bought a new RT-AX86U Pro from Germany via Amazon. I'm in Australia and unfortunately the adapter that comes with it is EU only.

I have posted about this query in Reddit with varying comments and now saw your post on this forum and was hoping to get a more conclusive answer.
The router either accepts 12V 3A or 19V 2.31A input. I have an older Asus branded power supply for my current AC3200 router and was ultimately hoping that I could re-use that. The power adapter outputs 19V 2.37A, which is not exactly either one of the ratings specified on the box. However your post indicates that I may get away with using an adapter with those specs with my new router. Will not having the exact specs cause risk of damage/overheating or other issue with either the router and or the power supply. Last thing i need is to either fry the router, or start a fire.

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