I spoke too soon. Native IPV6 with DHCP-PD is not consistently working on alpha2 but is rock solid with alpha1.
I’ve done a factory reset and reconfigure from scratch twice, once via Web GUI/reset settings checked and once pressing factory reset button.
After factory reset, the IPV6 LAN Setting fields were populated with /64 prefix but eventually I’d experience connectivity issues for IPV6 aware apps and upon reboot the IPV6 LAN Setting fields would no longer be populated.
I’m currently gathering log information/screenshots for alpha1 and plan to reflash alpha2 tomorrow or Saturday and gather the same information/screenshots to assist in determining what the issue is. Below is the information that I will be gathering, and I also turn on IPV6 debugging as well once I’ve reflashed with alpha2.
Information being gathered:
ip -6 addr show scope global
grep "\bra\b" /etc/dnsmasq.conf
grep dhcp6_client /tmp/syslog.log*
ps | grep odhcp6c
nvram show 2>/dev/null | grep ^ipv6_prefix
cat /tmp/ipv6_*
ip -6 addr
ip -6 monitor neigh dev br0
Debug command:
nvram set ipv6_debug=1
nvram commit
@RMerlin Is there any additional information that I should gather or tests that you’d like me to run?