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AB-Solution 2.0 is out! (v2.0.1)

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AB-Solution 2.1 looks to be a reall winner, especially if it installs Entware and Pixelserve alongside it. Cant go wrong now ! Looking forward to its release, Thanks thelonelycoder
I'm getting closer to the release day every day.
AB-Solution 2.1 looks to be a reall winner, especially if it installs Entware and Pixelserve alongside it. Cant go wrong now ! Looking forward to its release, Thanks thelonelycoder

I'm very excited to give AB-Solution a try, so I'm waiting "patiently" for the new complete solution install in v2.1! :)
Update on the progress for version 2.1 of AB-Solution
The last days have been a very busy time for me and the test team.
Since last Thursday, the release candidate has been under close scrutiny by a small group of members of this board.
Their testing, criticizing and questioning have made my list of 'things to do' grow by quite a few entries.
I'm down to a couple of issues now.

Once these two are out of the way, I would like the test team to have a few days with the release version.
This is to make sure the changes and additions I made have no unexpected side effects.

Then it's time for you all to benefit and use a - apparently - bullet proof new version of AB-Solution.
I look forward to the release and to your reactions.

I can only hope that you all have the same pleasant experience as the test team had:
Im running out of ideas to work the script now...its pretty bullet proof unless you deliberately break it in ways a normal usage wouldn't
(redacted members name) ... have you managed to find any mis-behaviour yet? if i delete jffs scripts it replaces them...if i remove the code it replaces it..... i even tried replacing the pixelserv init script with the original after the pixelserv installation routine.... it just gets fixed on reboot ....down to remembering the pixelserv switches!
is it possible that v2.0.1 wiped previous content of post-mount ? I had to put back the ln -nsf for entware manually.
and thanks for making this great software :)
is it possible that v2.0.1 wiped previous content of post-mount ? I had to put back the ln -nsf for entware manually.
and thanks for making this great software :)

From my experience, yes it does. Wait for AB 2.1 as this will install Entware with it and it will co-exist without causing issues.
From my experience, yes it does. Wait for AB 2.1 as this will install Entware with it and it will co-exist without causing issues.
Notice that thelonelycoder's signature now shows that it will rightfully be called a 3.0 release. Can't wait to try it out, hopefully any day now.
is it possible that v2.0.1 wiped previous content of post-mount ? I had to put back the ln -nsf for entware manually.
and thanks for making this great software :)
Could you please let me know what is the post-mount script you added for entware to work after AB-solution 2.0.1 installation. I had been breaking my head on why entware did not work after reboot... Now I know it's because of AB-solution... Thanks.
Seeing some activity on this thread after days of dead silence, I feel I should pipe in and hopefully make my last post on this matter.

I have been feverishly working on the code the last days, and I mean that literally.
The fever is gone now, I feel much better and have energy again to tackle the last things that cropped up, as they always do.

Just now, I fixed an old and likely my worst enemy, probably introduced in AB-Solution v1.0, that showed it's ugly face every now and then.
But I never caught it red handed.

Today I did, and that bug must have caused a lot of headaches to users affected by it.
It affected the 'Exiting the app' and the 'app restart' procedure when updating from an older version or freshly installing from a location other than /home/root.

Meanwhile, the test team still patiently waits for their go at the release version.

The same applies to you all.
All I can promise: The next version of AB-Solution is well worth the wait.
And it will be ready when it's ready.
Thank you to thelonelycoder for the status update. My original post only meant to say that many of us are eagerly waiting for the new release, I was certainly not complaining about any delay. Already version 2.01 is amazing and deserves a great deal of appreciation and praise, so we will patiently wait for version 3.0. Thanks again.
Does anyone have a list for other hosts files that can be included?

I found this here: https://filterlists.com/ which is great, but unfortunately none of these lists contain blocking IPs. Is there any way to still get this to work, or does someone have a similar list which included the blocking IPs?
Does anyone have a list for other hosts files that can be included?

I found this here: https://filterlists.com/ which is great, but unfortunately none of these lists contain blocking IPs. Is there any way to still get this to work, or does someone have a similar list which included the blocking IPs?
The linked lists are for the Browser addon's Adblock Plus and uBlock and do not work with hosts based ad-blocking.
Look for hosts lists, they have to be in one of the two common blocking IP formats: or
One last teaser for the upcoming version and what it will be capable of.

Entware-NG will not initially be available for install with AB-Solution, only the standard Entware (same as the built in /usr/sbin/entware-setup.sh).
But if you already have Entware-NG installed, and then install AB-Solution and select to install pixelserve-tls (in AB-Solution), you'll get a post-mount file as below, with pixelserve-tls fully integrated and running off of Entware-NG:

if [ "$1" = "/tmp/mnt/eightgb" ] ; then
  ln -nsf $1/entware-ng /tmp/opt

sleep 2
if [ -f /opt/swap ]
  echo -e "Mounting swap file..."
  swapon /opt/swap
  echo -e "Swap file not found or /opt is not mounted..."

# DO NOT EDIT this part of the file #
# generated by AB-Solution 3
if [ -d "/tmp/mnt/twogb" ];then
    service restart_dnsmasq
    logger "AB-Solution added entries via post-mount"
    ln -s /tmp/mnt/twogb/ab-solution.sh /home/root/ab-solution.sh
# end of DO NOT EDIT #
Whoever can read that will understand what the next version of AB-Solution is capable of.
Again, I'm sorry for another teaser. But I had to share it.
One last teaser for the upcoming version and what it will be capable of.

Entware-NG will not initially be available for install with AB-Solution, only the standard Entware (same as the built in /usr/sbin/entware-setup.sh).
But if you already have Entware-NG installed, and then install AB-Solution and select to install pixelserve-tls (in AB-Solution), you'll get a post-mount file as below, with pixelserve-tls fully integrated and running off of Entware-NG:

if [ "$1" = "/tmp/mnt/eightgb" ] ; then
  ln -nsf $1/entware-ng /tmp/opt

sleep 2
if [ -f /opt/swap ]
  echo -e "Mounting swap file..."
  swapon /opt/swap
  echo -e "Swap file not found or /opt is not mounted..."

# DO NOT EDIT this part of the file #
# generated by AB-Solution 3
if [ -d "/tmp/mnt/twogb" ];then
    service restart_dnsmasq
    logger "AB-Solution added entries via post-mount"
    ln -s /tmp/mnt/twogb/ab-solution.sh /home/root/ab-solution.sh
# end of DO NOT EDIT #
Whoever can read that will understand what the next version of AB-Solution is capable of.
Again, I'm sorry for another teaser. But I had to share it.

So the moral of this is install EntwareNG First and then AB Solution 3 ?
So the moral of this is install EntwareNG First and then AB Solution 3 ?
If you have use for the NG version, then yes.
What you will miss is that AB-Solution 3 is capable of fully regenerating the jffs/scripts files (and more) if you happen to delete them. But only if standard Entware is used or was previously installed.
If you have use for the NG version, then yes.
What you will miss is that AB-Solution 3 is capable of fully regenerating the jffs/scripts files (and more) if you happen to delete them. But only if standard Entware is used or was previously installed.

Right I see, so AB solution will automatically install the standard Entware or does this still need to be done manually?

Right I see, so AB solution will automatically install the standard Entware or does this still need to be done manually?

pixelserve-tls is an addon option for AB-Solution 3. If you select to use it, everything necessary will be installed / or used (as in the post you refer to) and configured for you.

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